Ground Yourself During a Tense Parenting Moment

How will you survive the storm of your child’s big emotions?

Kate Lynch
A Parent Is Born


Nichi’s pug Millie gives her comfort when life is a challenge. Millie sat in on our chat on the Mindfully Parenting Atypical Kids Podcast.

I know you will relate to Nichi when she asks, “How do I extract myself from my kids so I can ground myself? I need something quick that helps in the moment.”

My answer isn’t earth shattering…

Try a resource anchor, or emotional balance tool.

Your anchor can be any visualization, meditation or breath pattern that you practice until it becomes part of you. Then, you can reach for it to anchor you when the seas get stormy.

Practice when you’re alone, then in a calm time with your kids, then during the aftermath of a storm, and then finally during a meltdown. It is not instantaneous. Give yourself permission to take time with this.

You are the one you can most readily affect, so keep the focus on yourself.

We also discussed systemic issues that parents are often made to believe we are responsible for. It can feel really lonely. You are not alone.

I’m so happy Nichi agreed to share our chat with you. Her four-year-old made an…



Kate Lynch
A Parent Is Born

Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect!