Have You Tried Mindful Parenting?

Here are three easy ways to apply mindful parenting to your daily interactions with your children.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Nathaniel A. Turner, J.D

I don’t know about you but there are so many parenting methodologies I have trouble keeping track of even of a fraction of them. Not to mention the names are so perplexing that when I hear them I’m unsure if I should be visiting the zoo, an aquarium or planning an airborne sightseeing trip.

There is the Tiger Mom, Helicopter Parent, Elephant Mom and Dolphin Parenting methodologies just to name a few. Are you confused? Join the club. So now that we are both good and confused, let me muddy the waters even further by adding another method to the growing list of parenting methodologies — Mindful Parenting.


If you are anything like me, the words mindful parenting probably conjures an image of a Buddhist Monk in a dimly lit room that is surrounded by candles. I bet if you close your eyes for a moment, you can even hear the soothing sounds of a cascading ocean followed by a monk gently ringing a bell that reminds you to sit still, clear your mind and breathe deeply. I know, I know…mindful parenting seems like an unconventional and mysterious Yoga class for parents.



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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