How I Will Not Pay for My Children to Be in Co-Ed Outdoor Groups

…Or if it is free.


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk:

This conversation is probably split right down the middle. Please make sure the comments are kept respectful.

My children will not be robbed of the valuable time associated with same-sex groups. For a ton of reasons. There is a time and place for co-ed, of course (infants understand that), but there is also a time for same-sex social development. There are plenty of avenues for co-ed and I’m sure they will get those (so relax), so I will focus on the better groups.

It is bad enough that there is no same-sex time during education. Girls have to go to the restrooms to get that time and to get away from boys. However, there are many girls ages 14, 15, and 16 who have told a clinician how it is normal for boys to come into the girl’s restroom and assault them.

“Patricia (age 13, white) told the interviewer: ‘They grab you, touch your butt and try to, like, touch you in the front, and run away, it’s okay, I mean … I never think it’s a big thing because they do it to everyone.’ Referring to boys at school, Patricia described unwanted touching and grabbing as normal, commonplace behaviors. (Phillips 2000; Tolman et al. 2003). Young women like Patricia described sexually aggressive behaviors as customary: ‘It just happens,’ and ‘They’re…



J & J (Jessica & Joshua J. Lyon, BSQP, ACNP)
A Parent Is Born

She's an Accountant & he is an MA in Counseling student at Liberty U, has a BS in Criminal Psychology, is a Mental Health Worker, Combat Veteran, & Writer