How to Boost Kids’ Creativity

Benefits of gardening for children.

A Parent Is Born
4 min readMay 5, 2023


Photo by Andrea Sánchez on Unsplash

In today’s modern world where young and adults are too much busy viewing screens most of the time, it has become very difficult to maintain physical and mental health.
In the case of children, it has become even harder to detach them from the screen into the concrete world. As a result, children are facing real problems in focusing, attention span, problem solving and creativity. They have shown increments in stress and anxiety.

Here the question arises:

How can we maintain our children’s Physical and mental health?
And the answer is


Yes, gardening is a perfect activity that promotes both physical and mental health. It is a sure way of re-bonding with nature again and in return, we get a healthy body and sharp mind.
Let’s have a look at the benefits of gardening on little minds:

A sense of ownership and responsibility:

Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

Gardening surely inculcates a sense of ownership in children. They own their plants, trees, seedlings, flowers, vegetables and fruits. They know plants are dependent on them for watering and caring, if they will not care for them, their plants will die. This sense of ownership makes them responsible.

Better Physical health:

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Microorganisms present in soil are very beneficial for children’s immune systems. Children who are exposed to these microorganisms have a stronger immune system.
Researchers state that children who are brought up in an open environment close to a farm or garden are much healthier than those who are not exposed to this kind of environment.
It is a common assumption that bacteria, animals, pests and dirt do more harm than good, but in reality, it is the opposite. When children come to connect with soil and microorganisms regularly, they are less likely to develop allergies or auto-immune diseases.
Moreover, when playing regularly in an open environment, near greenery and under sunlight, they are getting their Vitamin D.

Boosts mental health:

When children involve in gardening activities, they are exercising. And when we exercise brain releases endorphins, that are responsible for mood lifting and productivity.
Sunshine triggers the release of the hormones serotonin, which is responsible for mood stability and productivity. Moreover, exposure to natural light stimulates the high production of the sleep hormone melatonin, resulting in better sleep.
All the activities in the garden including digging, watering, planting and cutting give them satisfaction and comfort, as a result, their imagination flies wherever it wants.

Fun learning through gardening:

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

It is a great source of learning with fun, without classroom boundaries and concrete surroundings children learn math while counting the seeds to plant and how many plants to be watered yet.
They learn science while observing the
Parts of plants
Needs of plants
Properties of plants
They learn about different types of animals, insects and pests in the very colourful corner of a garden.
All senses are engaged in fun-making.

Children explore their all senses through gardening:

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

They see different colours.
They feel the texture of the soil.
They smell the flowers and differentiate between colours.
They hear different sounds around flowers.
And finally, they taste the fruit of their growing plants.
Enhancing gross motor skills
Every act of children in the garden is a way of learning. When they start planting seeds, picking up required tools, sowing a seed and watering the plants, they are enhancing their gross motor skills. They are getting skilled in their hand-eye coordination, and control of their body parts.

Source of teaching patience:

Last but not least, gardening is a way of teaching patience to children.
Before it, they haven’t been introduced to it. But when they observe the seeds which take weeks to grow outside of the soil and convert into fruit or vegetables, they wait to see the result of their effort, that is worth it.

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