How to Pass the Postpartum Depression Questionnaire

When denial feels more comfortable than getting help.

Jasmine Ann Smith
A Parent Is Born


Every time I went in for a checkup for myself or my baby, up until he was about six months old or so, the doctor’s office would hand me a clipboard to fill out about PPD. And every time I passed with flying colors! Here’s how you can delude yourself too:

Question 1: I have been able to laugh and see the funny side of things.
O As much as I always could
O Not quite as much now
O Definitely not so much now
O Not at all

My brain: I mean, I had to go to urgent care yesterday for an infection in my c-section incision. I have to drink a half gallon of gross tea every day to try to increase my breast milk and it’s not working at all, which means my baby had lost weight at his last checkup. I don’t laugh because nothing funny is happening.

I’m sure I would laugh if something was funny. Definitely.

X As much as I always could

Woman with smeared mascara holds a drawing of a smile in front of her face
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Question 2: I have looked forward with enjoyment to things.

My brain: Things? What things? Do I look forward to waking up at 5:30am after 4 hours of sleep? Obviously not. That just means I’m sane.



Jasmine Ann Smith
A Parent Is Born

Writer, Cheesemonger, World Traveler, California-ized Midwesterner, Overwhelmed Mom.