How to Repair Drywall, Cook, Clean, Run Errands, Do Bedtime

While also caring for your wife, who has Covid.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Shannon Carpenter

For starters, let’s assume that you have a hole in your wall. If you have kids, this is pretty much a given. In my case, I have 6 holes. That sounds like a lot but rest assured one of those is 5 times as big as any other hole, so it’s really more than that. Let’s call that hole ½ of the garage ceiling because pipes burst.

Anyway, the first thing you want to do to repair these holes is learn how to do drywall because you don’t have the cash hand to hire an expert that could do it in a single day. Let’s call this the Cash Poor situation so we can sound uber rich.

Next, forget about those holes because your wife has come down with Covid and is currently on day 5 of her quarantine. After your freak-out and thanking every deity known to man that she is vaccinated, turn your attention back to the holes in your home.

Go to your local big box store and bring the kids to get some drywall so you can eventually patch up your home. Walk around for 2 hours because you misplaced the youngest somewhere near the kitchen section. Daydreaming makes us all lose track of time.



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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