Introducing “A Parent Is Born”

A publication on Medium curated and managed by The Good Men Project.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: Shutterstock, modified

By The Good Men Project Editors

Contribute to “A Parent Is Born”. Here’s how:

We first need to add you to our publication. We can add you if you reply to this post or email us at Please include your Medium handle, as that is the only way we can add you. Once added, you will submit each post individually through the Medium submission process:

Once added as an author:

-Go to the post you want to submit
- Use the gear icon at the top of the post to select “Edit story”
- Click on the 3 dots that appear at the top right
- Click on “Add to Publication”
- Choose the publication name and submit to that publication

About “A Parent Is Born”

We are pleased to announce this Medium publication: A Parent Is Born Because the moment a child is born, a parent is born, too. In the changing world of the 21st century, we will be publishing personal stories that explore the themes of parenting: children, family, and social change.



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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