Is the Grass Really Greener on the Other Side of Divorce?

Hint: Progeny a potentially potent and perplexing factor.

Erin Ryan Burdette
A Parent Is Born



Sure, divorce might solve the immediate problem, and there can be enormous relief — the mere absence of the freaking face that’s been driving you nuts is going to feel like an epic improvement.

But here’s the thing that people don’t always remember or acknowledge. Your life keeps on going long after the ink dries.

If your unencumbered new future includes children you made with your ex-spouse, that simple divorce (if such a thing exists) becomes rife with complexity.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


If two people get married and it turns out her propensity to say “cattywampus” isn’t actually adorable, but brain-crushing, or his inability to close a drawer isn’t quirky, but obnoxious—no harm no foul! Go your separate ways and time will do that thing it’s supposed to — what the lyrics croon — heal all wounds.



Erin Ryan Burdette
A Parent Is Born

Freelance writer of plays/short stories/poetry/narrative non-fiction; lover of humor, chocolate, pratfalls, my children (in no particular order..).