Mom Makes Son Apologise to a Girl He Called Fat And Ugly

The single mom’s story goes viral, with people praising her ‘old school’ parenting.

Christine Vann, MSc.
A Parent Is Born


TikTok Mom goes viral when she takes her bullying son to his victim’s house and makes him apologise
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After receiving a call from her twelve-year-old’s teacher, to say that her son had repeatedly called a female classmate ‘fat and ugly’ in a string of abusive texts, Samm Jane — a single mom from Warwickshire, UK — was left fuming.

But Jane, 32, didn’t leave school to deal with the issue. Instead, she took charge and shared her story on TikTok.

Having raised her son to respect women, she vowed to get to the bottom of the issue. So when her son arrived home later that day, she made him unlock his phone to examine the messages he had sent.

In her outspoken video, she tells the viewers her boy labeled the girl a ‘c**t,’ ‘t**t,’ and ‘b**ch,’ among other insults.

Samm Jane said: ”He’d sent this girl texts saying, ‘I never want to see your ugly face in school. Your ugly face and fat body offend me.’ “She’d text him back saying, ‘Stop being horrible to me’. He had also sent voice messages saying ‘Urgh, you’re disgusting’.”

No Respect

Shocked by the blatant disrespect for his classmate, Samm Jane made her son locate her address. She then marched him to the shop…



Christine Vann, MSc.
A Parent Is Born

SEO writer & owner of parenting site Interests: consumer & cyberpsychology. Contact me