My daughter has her own blog

A Parent Is Born
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2024

Yesterday I worked from home and wrote an article in the afternoon. My 9-year-old daughter came in to ask what I was doing and I showed her what I had written so far.

She got so excited and asked whether she could also write and have her own blog. Sure, why not? So I started a publication for her on my Substack account. We used her middle name to ensure anonymity.

We then went on Canva and she designed her logo all by herself. It was amazing seeing her figure out how to change the font, colours and images. Naturally, she chose a little cat picture — she is obsessed with cats and wants her own kitten. This was going to be a thing a couple of years ago until we accidentally adopted a Ukrainian refugee cat and now we can’t add a kitten to the mix — at least not at this time.

She has previously used my phone to write WhatsApp messages to her cousin in London and other family but is otherwise unfamiliar with a keyboard. I was surprised at how quickly she typed the words last night.

Despite being born here and going to our local German school, she is native English first. But growing up bilingual means that neither language is 100% (I should know, I also grew up here in the 70s and 80s) and she struggles a little with her spelling. She would ask me how to spell certain words and I also corrected it in the end, at her request.

Can I just say, as a proud mum, that she wrote the cutest little post? She is so excited and can’t wait to get some subscribers who want to read what she writes. She wants to be a robotics engineer when she grows up, but also loves being on stage dancing and singing. Adding writing to the mix sounds like an excellent next step.

This is also going to be great for her spelling, vocabulary and will make her sit down and quietly write things down. I find it difficult to get her to read so this might be a starting point for words. I love writing and I love reading. I have told her she has no schedule and can write whatever and whenever she writes on my laptop at home. I will proof everything for her and will help her find photos to go with her posts, then we will publish them together.

So for now, if anyone is interested, here is her first post. She would be thrilled if she got subscribers and likes. She also plans to get more than me, which I would be more than happy about!

Originally published at



A Parent Is Born

Brit in Germany, slightly introvert yet also quietly seeking adventure.