Navigating Through the Complexities of Early Parenthood

Trusting strangers, the nursery decision. A parent's dilemma.

Jasmine Aneja
A Parent Is Born


Kids eating their food at a nursery
Photo by Naomi Shi on Pexels

When asked about the toughest decision I’ve made, nothing compares to the journey of finding the right nursery for my child. Believe me, if you are a mom or becoming one, nothing is harder than trusting a stranger to care for your child.

The place has to click with your heart and feel safe, making you confident, that it is where you want your child to be. This decision demanded more time and meticulous research than choosing my courses before moving to the UK.

Picking a nursery involved detailed research. I reviewed nursery websites and visited each one. I immersed myself in understanding their activities, daily routines, and meal plans. The weight of responsibility felt overwhelming. I just wanted to find the best environment for my child’s early development.

I’ve always been the type of mom who researches every little symptom my child has. From sneezes to poop colour, I read all the articles I could find. During my pregnancy, fueled by the uncertainties of motherhood and a history of early pregnancy loss, I often found myself immersed in late-night Google searches. My head was constantly revolving around understanding diaper-changing techniques, exploring baby-led…

