Nomadic Pluma

The story behind the big idea.

A Parent Is Born
5 min readOct 20, 2022


By: Lola Ravid

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

While sitting one day and writing down my thoughts on my past roles, I realized that every role and experience over the past 13 years has contributed to my personal and professional growth in some way, shape, or form. Who knew? It is a fact that sometimes we don’t see the value in past experiences, whether positive or negative, but later we hope to see the big picture. That is what happened to me. Today, I want to share how my past roles as a nurse, mother, and traveler led to this outside-the-box idea with a specific mission directed at a particular group of people.

Joshua Tree the perfect place for an avid hiker

Here’s my story

I was a nursing student at a prestigious nursing school in Southern California. The nursing journey was rough, but I made it! I owe it to my innate grit and deep love for lifelong learning. In 2009, I took the NCLEX along with many others and passed it on the first try.

Photo by Kristine Wook on Unsplash

My first role as a Registered Nurse at CHLA taught me so much. I learned fundamentals of adulting, like organization and communication, while simultaneously implementing child-development concepts learned in school to be a safe, empathetic, and collaborative nurse. I also learned that preventive measures sometimes are the gateway between life and death in children.

I then took a hiatus from working at the bedside to raise my children and care for my family. Yes! I had a significant career gap, but I used my love for children, health, and education to contribute and collaborate with others. That time allowed me to blossom not only as a mom but also as a nurse and a person. During this season, I found how much I love to volunteer. Although many other volunteer roles have ended, I am a contributing writer for non-profit organizations, a La Leche League Leader, and a state coordinator for the Selective Mutism Association. Heck! I’ve even done horse care and assisted children during their therapeutic horse therapy. You name it, I’ve probably done it. Check!

My boys + Cousin in the Mediterranean Sea

Passport Health opened the doors for a nursing role that perfectly combined education and travel. I am an avid traveler and love all the experiences I get when I travel solo, with my family, or with random groups. Travel makes me feel alive. I used to consult nomadic travelers, traveling families, travel journalists, and couples on their way to a romantic destination honeymoon. I got lost in their travel affairs. To this day, I am still determining who did the service. The travelers sharing their exciting itineraries while encouraging me to continue traveling? Or me, the nurse, educating them on how to stay safe in foreign lands? Maybe it went both ways. In the end, no one left my office without a smile and a new place on their bucket list.

Deep Love for the Skyway. Travel is healing.

Macro Trials came into my life after investing in a clinical research program that taught me the pharmaceutical industry’s ins and outs. That journey led me to understand a few things about myself and my beliefs. Here it is –I am indeed a hippy at heart, HA! I live my life preaching that ginger and turmeric are the answer to all of life’s ills. It may not be the case for many illnesses, of course, but in my opinion, it’s the start– it’s the preventive approach. I learned that informed decision-making is essential in health care, and prevention is the key to public health matters.

Then COVID Happen [insert Elevator Music]

Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

While working at the school site for one of America’s largest school districts, everything came together. It was an epiphany. Sitting in an office, Monday-Friday, was not for me. I love moving and experiencing outdoor spaces. I love guiding children and parents. Parents trust my opinion primarily because I don’t enforce a one-way street. I provide resources so they can make an informed decision about the options available for the particular need. I also have a way of calming a livid parent in a heartbeat. How do I do it? I still don’t know. It could be how I can switch between three languages or my attempts to understand their culture and communication style. My work as a school nurse prepared me to be an advocate for children and parents. In those moments, while sitting in the nurse’s office, I knew in my heart that I needed to start my journey as a freelancer.

So, here I am now sharing it with you. I love guiding, encouraging, and educating through words. Nomadic Pluma does just that!

My mission, ultimately, is to elevate preventive measures and education through content writing. I help bridge health and educational gaps aimed at parents and children to encourage lifelong learning and mastery of the art of informed decision-making.

Check out my portfolio and don’t be shy and say hello.

Till next time!



A Parent Is Born

I am a Registered Nurse who loves to write about health, travel, and experiences.