The 10 Signs That Your Child Is A Brat

Today’s parents need help. Are we raising a generation of brats? Gene Del Vecchio tells us.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: iStock

By Gene Del Vecchio

A PEW Research Center study once revealed that 70% of the public feels it is more difficult to be a mother today than it was 20 or 30 years prior. The key challenges cited for raising a child were societal (i.e. substance abuse, peer pressure, TV/internet/movies, etc). The study also cited the immense importance of good parenting (i.e. teaching morals, discipline, and manners).

Because of these challenges, many agree that children are more unruly today than ever before.

Though raising a child today is tough, I strongly believe that all of us, parents and otherwise, must take responsibility for ensuring that children are not brought up to be unruly. I believe that children ages 4 to 8 are in particular danger of becoming such due to their impressionable age, and so I’ve written a picture book for children that teaches lessons about morals and manners. More on that later, because I would first like to identify the 10 signs that your child has become unruly…and by another name…a brat.

1) Your child cares more about getting the next version of Mortal Kombat than he does about your impending open heart surgery.



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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