The difference between being a mother, father and being a parent.

Are you really a parent?

Margaret Sitawa
A Parent Is Born


Image by MabelAmber

I may be accused of speaking from a place of hurt but hear me out. You might be a mother or a father but not a parent. A parent raises a child, rears it, takes care of it, a mother gives birth and a father sires. So many people think that just because they brought life to this world automatically they become parents but that’s not true.

Parent is a verb.

It’s an action word. Actively working to raise your child. It’s not just being but also doing. It’s waking up earlier to prepare breakfast for your kids so when they wake up it’s ready. Well, for me anyway, my son complained I prepare their breakfast too late.

Parent is a choice.

It’s choosing to be present in your child’s life. Taking your time to listen, play and teach them. It’s a decision you make to love and care for those young ones, sometimes whether you sired them or not.

Parent is work.

Think of it like a job, being on time, honoring your commitment and fulfilling all your duties. A parent satisfies the requirements needed by the child, educates, comforts, builds up, caters to their health. Pretty much provides physical, mental and spiritual needs…



Margaret Sitawa
A Parent Is Born

You'll find poems and stories with a personal touch here. Whatever you'll find, is my truth.