The Heart is Priority

… for both your physical and mental well-being.

Solomon —The New Dad
A Parent Is Born
4 min readMar 1, 2021


Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Your heart is a priority. It is central to all your physical and spiritual/mental being, desires and motivation in life. And I mean that in every sense of the word. We (humans) were created to be connected and purpose-driven. I hope to share how important it is to have a healthy and positive heart from a physical and a mental perspective.

The Physical Body

First, let us take a look at the physical body.

You’re alive simply because your heart is functioning at this moment. Did you know that a person may be brain-dead but can still be considered alive? It is called Coma. But once the heart stops beating, then an individual is pronounced as having no pulse.

Your body can’t function without your heart. Its primary purpose is to transport important resources across the body. It is the engine/motor by which all the cells in your body receive their well-needed nutrients, information, and oxygen. If this central organ took a day-off (or even a minute break), the entire system is in problems. A fraction of your brain rest during sleep, but the heart is a full-time entrepreneur since its inception. #HardLabourForLife

CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), is a life-saving technique during emergencies such as heart attack or near-drowning. In an attempt to preserve/restore life, pressure is applied to the chest — heart. This procedure is design to kick-start the engine.

The heart is important during pregnancy. Did you know that the fetus feeds from the heart? In the world of Nutrition Response Testing, the fetus pulls from the mother’s heart. Failure to maintain a proper diet could result in nutritional deficiency. Consider this, during pregnancy the mother’s heart is under additional pressure. It pumps an additional 30–50% (volume) more blood around the body. Lacking the proper nutrients could impact its ability to execute, resulting in complications such as cardiac arrest. According to research, the fetus will donate stem cells to the mother’s heart in an attempt to repair it from ailments.

Still on Nutrition Response Testing. For any related health condition, priority is placed on the heart. Practitioners repair the body with the aid of nutrition and great emphasis is placed on the heart; the motor of the body.

The Spiritual/Mental

Even if you don’t believe in God, or a supreme being, or a creator, you can’t deny that there is a spiritual aspect of our lives. Some refer to it as conscience — po-ta-to pot-ato.

If we translate this into Information Technology, this is our software (spiritual) to our hardware (body).

Even at this level, the heart is central to everything, including our morals and value system. I’m referring to your core — not the physical heart.

According to the word from the good book (Bible) the Lord judges your intentions, which comes from the heart. He doesn’t judge your physical appearance or what you did. Therefore, we should do likewise and never judge a book by its cover, instead focus on its contents.

OK… even if you don’t believe in God, think about how we go about loving each other. Love or hate are actions originating from a non-physical aspect of your being — heart. Funny enough, the current symbol we use to represent love is the shape of a heart (💕). When someone is sad or filled with hatred, we use the broken heart (💔)

OK! Back to the good book (Bible). It states that: as a man thinks— in his heart — so is he. It is essentially saying that jealousy, covetousness, and anger will manifest through a person’s actions i.e. you can see their heart.

Even if you worry about a particular issue, it will weigh heavily on your heart. This could end up affecting your physical-heart leading to chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or even stroke. A classic case of your software (mentality/spirituality) imposing on your hardware (body).

Lastly, passion and drive/determination are characters we value and aspire to obtain. These ideals shape our morals and values from a place deep within. Most can’t explain their location, so we end up using the word heart.

It is undeniable that the heart is the center of everything we do or perceive. With that said, whatever you do from now on, please ensure that your heart is in it — and for the right reasons. That includes being a father, a spouse, and a neighbor.

Remember the heart (💕) is priority, please feed it well. Thanks.



Solomon —The New Dad
A Parent Is Born

Wow, I’m a dad! Join me as I share my experiences with my son who has eczema, allergic to milk, soy and non-cotton fabric. Parenting is hard stuff!