The Inevitable Feeling of a Mother’s Guilt

Bringing awareness to those who aren’t mothers.

Sylvia Emokpae
A Parent Is Born


A friend of mine runs her own business while looking after her two children and of course running the house. She’s a busy lady who is so devoted to all of her life, but she has expressed how difficult it is to do it all without feeling guilty. Guilty for prioritising something over another thing, all the time. Mum Guilt, she called it, and I think it’s another one of those things I feel needs to be acknowledged by society, by individuals — not just other mothers.

It made me think about all the times I have felt bad as a mother, and that’s without running my own business. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to split yourself between your work, your kids, and all the extra baggage that isn’t named officially — like housework and anything that’s running a house for multiple people. That alone is exhausting on your own.

Guilt At Birth

My body delivered Andriel just one hour after I arrived at the hospital, having been contracting at home for just 2 hours. There was no time for painkillers or breathing exercises. I was terrified.

One of the first times I felt guilty as a mother was when Andriel was only a few minutes old and I had to leave my husband and our son for a couple of hours…



Sylvia Emokpae
A Parent Is Born

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.