To The Mom Who Thinks Feminism is Hurting Her Boys: You’re Wrong

Personally, I don’t give a damn about the label of feminism. It’s one that I rarely use myself. What I DO care deeply about is the perpetuation of gendered nonsense.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: iStock

By Alyssa Royse

My daughter is going to start dating, eventually. Like most parents, I’m curious and apprehensive, and excited to meet the guys she dates. I think I’ve done a good job raising her to pick good men, and be a good partner to them.

I am raising a daughter who knows that the most important thing she can do for someone else is create a safe and loving space for them to be the best version of themselves they can be. According to themselves.

In the case of my daughter, at least right now, what makes her happy and fulfilled means excelling at very “masculine” things like Olympic Weight-Lifting and math. You know, Like A Girl.

I have been accused of being a feminist, of course. What with this pesky habit I have of raising a daughter who believes that all of us have the right to be who we want to be. That none of us should be denied opportunity, or given unfair burdens in this life, just because of the chromosomal hand we were dealt.



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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