Top Tips for Dads to Handle and Understand Their Teenage Daughters

Most teenagers will go through an existential crisis before molding their adult personalities.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Tudor Constantin

Raising children is not easy, especially if you have difficulties expressing your emotions. However, raising teenage daughters could even become more complicated, regardless if you have the help, love, and support of the entire family.

Children at that age are vulnerable, easily influenced by their entourage, and may have a distorted view of the world. They are often moody, emotional, and mainly think in shades of white and black, without considering any other colors in-between. So, if you are a dad looking to understand and create a stronger emotional bond with your teenage daughter, these tips could be of help.

Don’t try too hard on being the “cool dad”

For some parents, being cool and having a laid-back attitude toward their children comes naturally. Others seem to constantly struggle to make a joke and understand the “lingo” or, even worse, try to use it so they can look “cool”.

Believe it or not, all parents will be seen as uncool, awkward, and weird at a certain point by their children, so you cannot win this competition no…



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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