Do You Unconsciously Prevent Your Child From Learning How To Read Feelings?

Don’t let parenting with the brain put a lock on your heart!

Adelina Vasile
A Parent Is Born


Most of the good parenting books out there encourage parents to understand the child’s brain and set their expectations accordingly.

Breathe. Watch your tone. Relax. It’s nothing personal, don’t feel offended. Wait for the storm to pass, and then help the child rationalize what happened.

All this is excellent advice. Still, I can’t help but notice how we tend to rationalize things to a point where we leave little room for showing our feelings. It’s as if parenting using the brain makes us shut down our hearts. We do our best to be present and think of what is going on with our children. Meanwhile, we pull the curtain on our emotions, and we fear revealing what we feel in the process.

I don’t know… Traditional parenting was too emotional, as in impulse-driven. Wouldn’t you say that conscious parenting often tends to be too cerebral? We rationalize everything, and we don’t allow our feelings to surface.

Parenting shouldn’t numb our natural reflex of showing emotions

The more of a conscious parent I try to be, the more I notice I fear being myself.



Adelina Vasile
A Parent Is Born

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.