Why Absolutely Every Teenager Should Get a Summer Job — The Worse The Better

Food service or something menial and greasy if at all possible.

Erin Ryan Burdette
A Parent Is Born


Photo by William Enrico Jr Quijano on Unsplash

You want your child to get a job, of course, because you don’t want him or her to be an insufferable entitled incompetent ass, but we agree on that already. If not, I feel the chasm between us is such a vast and ceaseless ocean we will never meet in the middle. Stop reading immediately.

For those who get that performing some degrading task for a piteous wage is a teenage rite of passage necessary to earn a spot among the wise and humble of humanity, keep reading.

I share the hijinks of my first summer job circa 1985, how it spurred me to appreciate the value of a dollar and nudged me in the direction of a healthy disdain for donuts.

My first job was at a donut shop called “Le Donut.” Le. Pronounced phonetically, ‘lay.’ Can you beat that?

Photo by Third Serving on Unsplash


The name was an attempt by management to sound grand, a nod to Parisians, connoisseurs with a corner…



Erin Ryan Burdette
A Parent Is Born

Freelance writer of plays/short stories/poetry/narrative non-fiction; lover of humor, chocolate, pratfalls, my children (in no particular order..).