Why I Don’t Put Photos Of My Kids On Social Media

I don’t own their identity.

Katharine Chan
A Parent Is Born


First of all, I don’t judge a parent for sharing pictures of their kids on social media.

It’s a personal choice and ultimately, it’s what works for their family.

I don’t know how many photos and videos I have of my kids but I know there are a lot. Like other parents, everything our kid does, it’s like freaking Christmas.

Holy crap, she burped.

OMG, she’s got a snot bubble.

Awww, she’s falling asleep while eating.

Wow, she rolled over.

Gotta catch 'em all!

It’s hard not to share the excitement with the rest of the world. I mean, we all think our baby is the cutest baby and everyone should see how adorable they are.

I was on the fence about posting pictures because I mean if celebrities do it, it should be fine right? But then if I always made decisions based on what a celebrity would do, I probably wouldn’t be where I am.

So I sat on the fence for a little while, thinking about my own journey with social media.



Katharine Chan
A Parent Is Born

Sum (心, ♡) on Sleeve | Author. Speaker. Wife. Mom of 2 | Embrace Culture. Love Yourself. Improve Relationships | sumonsleeve.com/books