Why Is My Child So Angry? Understanding Anger & Its Causes

5 reasons your child is angry.

Motaz Writes
A Parent Is Born


My daughter baffled us. Sometimes, she would be a happy, excited, and friendly child. People would comment that she is such a happy kid. Other times, she is the shiest kid in the room, or she is having a full on tantrum in the least likely places (?anywhere). When people met her for the second or third time, some said it was like meeting a different kid altogether.

Photo by Mitya Zotov on Pexels.com

The anger outbursts started around 3 years old, maybe younger. A few years later and we still have anger, but we understand it a bit more.

As many parents do, we analyzed every “episode”. Looking at possible triggers, circumstances, different places and times, and so on. In the beginning, we only had limited success. It is easy to figure out that your child is angry because they are hungry, or because you wouldn’t let them destroy your laptop. But other than that, it seemed random.

There was a problem: we didn’t understand what her anger meant.

Understanding Anger & Its Causes

Children experience their feelings and express them similarly to adults. I overlooked this simple fact. Most of the time, anger is either covering up another emotion underneath it or erupting in response to…

