Why Plumbers Plumb

Raising kids according to “their” way, not ours.

Jeffrey Kass
A Parent Is Born
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2022


Image: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

There’s fascinating advice from the Jewish King Solomon, told to his United Kingdom of Israel and Judea over 2,900 years ago and recorded in the ancient text, the “Book of Proverbs.”

Educate the child according to his way; even when he grows old, he will not turn away from it.

Hold on a second, wise King.

Don’t you mean raise kids according to our — the parents’ — way? What do you mean raise kids according to their way? Don’t we want to mold them according to our plans? After all, we know more than they do. Are you suggesting we let kids dictate our parenting methods?

In our age of record teen suicides, depression in our young adults and drug and alcohol abuse, among many other things ailing children, maybe we should take a renewed look at King Solomon’s advice about how we’re raising our kids.

Suicide among younger adults has been on the rise steadily for well over a decade. Suicide attempts by young girls also have been on the rise, increasing over 50% during the pandemic. The United States ranks third in the world in how many of its citizens suffer from depression.

Obviously, we’re doing something very wrong in how we prepare our children to become happy, successful adults.



Jeffrey Kass
A Parent Is Born

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad