⁠Will Your Family Thrive This Summer?

Are you secretly terrified of all that unstructured time with your atypical kids?

Kate Lynch
A Parent Is Born


image by author

How do you want to feel this summer?⁠
Are you looking forward to it?
Are you excited or scared by the prospect of unstructured time with your atypical kids? ⁠
Have you got calming skills to get you through it?⁠

“Is your intention to connect or to correct? Parents who can define their intention can help meet children’s vital needs, including stability, security, safety and guidance. What is your purpose? To correct and manage your children or to connect with and enjoy them?”
-Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson, Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids

Make joyful memories with just a little preparation

Many parents are overwhelmed at the thought of planning activities this summer. Aside from the residue of stress from last summer, when we were literally just hoping that all our loved ones would survive, there’s the usual worry of what to…



Kate Lynch
A Parent Is Born

Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect! healthyhappyyoga.com