Your First Baby Photos

I’m finally starting to deal with the pain that was left from losing you.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Robert J. Aguero-Hoffman

You should have seen your mother and I on the day of our first Ultrasound appointment with her OB/GYN.

In typical fashion, we were cutting it close for our appointment, and true to form, thinking we were closer to the Doctor’s Office than we actually were, I parked the car about 10 minutes away.

Your mother and I argued about how close the office was. She, of course, was right (something, if you’d come to know, was the case 90% of the time).

“Look babe, we made it just in time!” I said to your mom, as we walked through the doors of the medical office in Medford.

The minute those words left my mouth, I turned and looked up to see about 5 people in front of us in line.

The sarcastic smile she shot back at me, was one for the ages, and I just bowed my head.

After getting through the Check-In process, we made our way to the waiting room, eager with the anticipation of seeing you for the first time.

We sat down in the uncomfortable wooden chairs and waited for what felt like an hour, but was realistically only 5 minutes until the nurse called us into the…



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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