The Awkward Non-date

Elrica Tanu
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2020

I was looking forward to catching up with S. We hadn’t seen each other for a year — since I left the other media company.

S was a hugely talented ex-colleague who mostly kept to himself but somehow took a liking to me. I find him kind of cute too.

I arrived at the cafe before him and went to the ladies to freshen up.

Big mistake.

I picked up the mascara from my bag but I didn’t apply the product onto my lashes.

I couldn’t.

I stared at my own reflection in the mirror, my right arm still in mid air.

It was slight. But unmistakable.

Up, down. Up, down.

My right hand was shaking.

I returned to my seat, disturbed. But I quickly plastered a smile over my face when S arrived.

He was, as always, immaculately dressed — a white collared shirt, a dark blue cardigan, casual knee-length pants and stylish boat shoes.

Still cute.

We chit-chatted for a while before he noticed that something was wrong.

“Are you okay?” S darted a look at me and asked, his brows furrowing.

Up, down. Up, down.

The tremor in my right had become worse — more obvious.

“What?” I looked down and pretended that I only realised it after he pointed it out when it was the only thing I could think about during our entire conversation.

“Maybe you didn’t have enough sleep. I get the shakes when I work through the night too.” S said, alleviating the tension in the air.

I responded with a I’m-okay smile, “That must be it.”

The non-date was over.

The onset of panic attacks and tremors drove me to seek help.

A couple of months later, I walked through the doors of the National Neuroscience Institute for the first time.

By that time, I had developed a third symptom.

I was limping.

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Elrica Tanu

I write so that life makes sense to me. And for now, that means working through what it means to live with Parkinson’s Disease. Based in Singapore.