The one thing that you need to know…

Elrica Tanu
Published in
1 min readSep 2, 2020

…about Parkinson’s disease is that it sucks. But not for the reason you think.

In my experience, physical pain and limitations can be overcome. Mainly with medication which works well enough.

No it’s the psychological distraught that accompanies the diagnosis that breaks you.

The feeling of helplessness, knowing you will never get better.

The shock of seeing the people closest to you lose their confidence in your abilities.

The humiliation of needing help from someone you find despicable.

The need to pick up the pieces of your broken soul and rebuild a psyche that will hopefully be strong enough to withstand an assault like this in the future.

And the uncertainty of not knowing.



Elrica Tanu

I write so that life makes sense to me. And for now, that means working through what it means to live with Parkinson’s Disease. Based in Singapore.