Like A Punch In The Face

Elrica Tanu
Published in
1 min readMay 20, 2020

“Parkinson’s Disease… is incurable, right?”

I bit back panic as I wondered aloud.

A pause.

Dr H nodded. A bespectacled middle aged woman wearing a messy ponytail, the neurologist had the no-nonsense vibe of a physics teacher.

She said, “Yes, but it can be managed.”

I don’t remember what she said after that. I was momentarily besieged by memories of a frail, hunched woman.

I blurted out, “My grandma had Parkinson’s.”

Dr H nodded again, her fingers typing away. She wasn’t a chatterbox.

And neither was I that day.

I know I should have asked more questions but my mind was drawing a blank and my body so tense that my knuckles had turned white from clutching the armrest.

I left Dr H’s clinic in a daze.

My name is Elrica. I am 35 years old and I have Parkinson’s Disease. This is part of a larger collection of writing that records my experience living with the neurological condition.

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Elrica Tanu

I write so that life makes sense to me. And for now, that means working through what it means to live with Parkinson’s Disease. Based in Singapore.