Valon Januzaj: a young Albanian taking part in the technological evolution of his country.

Mª Lucía Alegre
5 min readJul 21, 2020


It is very easy to recognize Kosova’s potential when you have the opportunity to meet someone like Valon Januzaj. At just 21 years old, he is already standing out at Morina&Co as a software engineer. Undoubtedly, he is part of the generation that is transforming one of Europe’s youngest countries.

The starting point for Kosova’s youth can be much more complex than in other European nations. Incredibly, to this day they still have to explain themselves to the world about who they are and where they want to go as a country. However, one of the highlights of keeping a low profile while having a clear goal in mind, is that when people get the chance to see what Kosova is truly capable of, the impact is simply greater.

Although being young is not enough to generate a change in society, when added determination, clear ideas, and willingness to get things done, the changes that arise are not solely superficial and symbolic but also structural, and there is no turning back. This is how powerful Kosova’s youth can be, and even though a part of its young population migrates to Western Europe in search of new opportunities, young Albanians like Valon Januzaj decide to stay and actively take part in the generational transformation led by the youth in his country. “I enjoy moving around, visiting new places, and learning from different cultures. When I was living and working in Germany for six months, I was able to adapt and fit in really well. That experience taught me a lot and I try to put into practice what I’ve learned in my daily routine. However, although I am passionate about traveling, at some point I want to get back home and contribute to my country’s development. ” He is notoriously proud of his country and is looking forward to showing people the virtues of it “If you want to see something different, then Kosova is the place.”

In a county where the average age is 28, Valon is currently finishing his studies in computer science and engineering. As a matter of fact, he was clear about what he wanted to do with his professional career from an early age. “When I first got a computer, I was already enthusiastic about it. I knew that I liked technology and I knew I wanted to work with it”.

Being the only one in his family working in the technology industry, Valon is making his way on this field by himself. Fortunately, at Morina&Co he found a place and a team that helps him keep his professional development constatnly growing. “I am so happy to work here. They are very supportive and the most important thing is that they really give you space to improve”.

This young man doesn’t settle for less than what he knows he is capable of, so it doesn’t matter how long it takes or how much he has to push himself, he always manages to achieve whatever goal he sets in mind. He recalls being part of a training course some time ago led by Stefan Langwald, partner at Morina&Co; “At first, I wasn’t completely familiar with the technology they were using, but I really pushed myself into it and eventually I was able to be the first one to finish the project we had been requested, even though it was my first week there. The training was for a month but I joined in the third week and still managed to complete the task successfully.”

Besides being an active person, the whole pandemic situation gave him no other choice but to stay at home. However, far from letting the frustration reign, Valon focused on the positive side and dedicated himself entirely to work “I like to go out, do things. But to be honest, this situation also had a positive impact on me and my career. During this time at home, I didn’t have anything else to do but to push myself extra hard”. In fact, he started working at Morina&Co during these times of uncertainty, and still managed to get the best out of himself, quickly adapting to the circumstances. Far from feeling alone, Valon highlights how working remotely never impeded feeling the support of the whole team. “They are really good at supporting you whenever you need them. I know I can always count on them with any problem. If I don’t understand something, they are there to help me.”

It is said that persistent people are capable of visualizing an idea where others can’t see it, and despite being so young, Valon knows perfectly well where he is headed as a professional. However, he understands that no matter what your goal is, some processes take time and he’s willing to take advantage of every step along the way “I learned that some things just need time. It is one of the most important things if you want to accomplish something in this field so while I am working, I am always trying to learn”

His yearnings as a professional also include using technology to help other people and make their lives easier as much as he can. “I feel happy when I help other people or when I do something that is really good for somebody else. For instance, at my university, I enjoy helping students that are having a hard time. So while I stay in the tech field, I want to build products to help others” These are the kind of things that say a lot about a person beyond their professional skills. Working in a company that operates in different countries, many of us have never met personally. Still, it is very difficult to find someone who doesn’t have anything positive to say about Valon, and as trite as it may sound, that is not something particularly common in every company.

To sum up, it is clear that we are talking about a person with both outstanding talent and interpersonal skills which are the perfect combination of a great co-worker and team player. He is not a person who just waits for things to happen, he goes after them. The good news is that being as tenacious as he is, there is no doubt the sky’s the limit for him.

