Trump — Conspiracy & Obstruction to Precipice of Treason

Doc Huston
A Passion to Evolve


Partisan politics has always been a criminal enterprise masquerading as a humanitarian management system. Fortunately, the Trump mafia is led by an unsophisticated thug who demands total obsequiousness and does not understand or care about the unwritten rules of the criminal underworld.

Thus, slowly but surely, the panorama of the Trump attempt to usurp the “syndicate” is becoming vividly clear — and there will be hell to pay.

At a minimum, Trump engaged in real estate money laundering schemes with Russians, which were cultivated and copiously archived by the Russian government.

In this respect, by all public accounts, Trump never assumed he would win the presidency. So, the idea of conspiring with the Russians seemed a worthwhile, albeit ultimately inconsequential activity. Rather, his failed candidacy would raise his profile, and thus his fortune, significantly.

It was a good bet — until he accidentally won.

As practiced conman, he immediately knew the consequences of the conspiracy being uncovered. So, a cover-up began the day after the election.

As revelations of the number and diversity of Russian contacts with the Trump mafia and their convenient inability to disclose them as legally required or recall when asked grew, the breadth and depth of conspiracy with Russia started to be exposed.

As a practical matter, given the godfather’s patriarchal dictatorship in the mafia, the Don always knew of the conspiracy. Thus, as we have seen for months, he has had his consiglieres working overtime to obstruct every legal and media investigation aimed at further exposing the conspiracy.

Since it is always the cover-up that unravels a political conspiracy — it is hard to keep everyone on the same page when the lies and fabricated stories change on a daily basis — there are only a couple of end game scenarios.

1. Someone in the Trump mafia, sufficiently fearful of their personal liability and the consequences, flips and makes a deal that hangs Trump.

2. Everybody falls on their sword giving Trump sufficient plausible deniability to remain in office and, ultimately, pardon those convicted.

3. Russians realize Trump is so compromised that his staying in office is a bigger liability than him being exposed, and they decide to rat him out by leaking information that takes Trump down.

4. Trump senses Russians are going to have him whacked career-wise and he will be ruined, so decides he has nothing to lose and, in a last ditch to appease his handlers, engages in what effectively amounts to treason (think Madoff).

To the extent there is a saving grace in any of this for the rest of us, organized crime is much easier for law enforcement to bring down than individual criminals. This is because there is always someone lower down the food chain who knows enough and fears both his own mafia and law enforcement that the only real option is to rat out the boss and make a deal with the government.

So, with luck the first scenario occurs and brings down the Don. Otherwise, the third and fourth scenarios are in play.

In any case, brace yourself!



Doc Huston
A Passion to Evolve

Consultant & Speaker on future nexus of technology-economics-politics, PhD Nested System Evolution, MA Alternative Futures, Patent Holder —