If a person writes in the forest and no one is around to read it, does she make a sound?

Sam Fried
A Place for My Thoughts
1 min readFeb 7, 2024

This is my attempt to record some of my thoughts on institutions, bureaucracy, and higher ed in a more structured manner. For a while, I did not think I had particularly good thoughts. For the past year or so, I’ve started to believe that some of my thoughts are actually quite good (I say “some” not because I’m trying to project humility but because I am realistic: they can’t all be gems). I also feel strongly that the internet is a mostly unproductive place for discussion — I have witnessed some very thoughtful thoughts get reduced or dismissed in ways that truly disappointed me. On the other hand, I won’t be motivated to write if I know for sure that I have no readers. Therein lies the conundrum.

So I’ve started this writing space for the small possibility of readership. Here’s how it will work:

  • I will write things every now and then;
  • I will suspend comments on all posts because I really do not want to interact with you online, dear reader(s), about what I write online;
  • However, I am somewhat open to interaction. If you are struck by something I’ve written, please check in with yourself about whether your intentions are good, and whether you really do want to have a discussion. If the answer is yes to both questions, I welcome your email.

That’s it. I’m looking forward to writing more soon.

