Gratitude Letter #2

To Dave, Whose Bread is Killer, and So is Other Shit He Does for the World

Lisa S.
A Place of Thanks
2 min readSep 29, 2016


Even Bailey knows Dave’s Killer Bread is finger (err, paw?) lickin’ good!

Dear Dave Dahl,

I think it’s just as important to recognize the little things in life as it is to recognize the big. So, while my last gratitude letter was really sappy and profound, this one will be much lighter and jovial. You haven’t saved my life or anything, but you’ve definitely upped the tasty factor, and for that, my dear sir, I thank you.

As I write this, I am finishing my second of two pieces of your Dave’s Killer 21 Whole Grains Bread. I usually cut the calories with you thin slices, but every time I eat a regular slice (like today), I remember just how damn good the original is. The 21 WGs is my favorite flavor, but honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of ’em. Thanks for making loaves that are jam packed with whole grains, seeds and all that other good stuff yet still are delicious enough to taste like a decadent treat.

Even my dog, Bailey, agrees. She’s been known to scarf down a piece (or five!) of your bread when she can get her paws on it. In fact, just the other day, she busted into the bread drawer and indulged in some 21 Whole Grains herself. She’s been pooping seeds and grains for days but hasn’t complained once.

Somehow I got it in my head that your bread got it’s “Killer” name because you were in prison for murder before you started making bread. (Side note: is there a name for someone who makes bread besides just ‘baker’? If so, let me know in the comments below.) I’m a big true crime fan, so this little urban legend fascinated me, prompting me to do some quick research [read :Google] while I ate slice #1 before writing this. I read about your Dave’s Killer Bread Foundation and the work you do giving felons second chances. I’m a supporter of this idea, because isn’t our “rehabilitation” system designed for just this? So, kudos to you for not only making some killer bread but for this killer work, too. [I am not calling you a killer here. I don’t think that urban legend is true, after all.]

I wish more people made bread and the world a better place like you.




Lisa S.
A Place of Thanks

I live my life like a Lil Wayne song: Love, live life, proceed, progress. Read more: