Clarence Thomas Hates Clarence Thomas, but He Loves Really Disturbing Pornography

Lord Dukes de Enfer
Published in
10 min readAug 14, 2022



For having as much power as he has, prior to his insane opinion recently helping Judge Alito to overturn Roe v. Wade and offering his Draconian perspectives about other social issues, you probably didn’t know all that much about him.

One of the reasons you knew so little about him was that he has been the mute judge for almost his entire appointment. Known as “The Silent Judge” by most, he has become emboldened recently to share his thoughts.

Some people thought his lack of interaction publicly was because he was stupid. He is not. It’s a learned behavior.

We’ll come back to that. Let me tell you a little back story on the man, the myth, the legend, Clarence Thomas.

Clarence Thomas was born poor. Very poor. No indoor plumbing or indoor electricity, in rural Georgia-poor. When young he bounced around between family members, burned down his aunt’s house, and finally ended up with his grandfather who was somewhat middle class by African American standards in the rural south circa the 1950s.

From birth, he saw his family separate the boy children from the girl children as the females (like his mother) had a tendency to get pregnant in their teens. Which taught Thomas both the value of women (he’s an oppressive…



Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler