Satan Lives in Kansas and Looks Like Your Grandpa (or, yes the Koch Brothers are that bad)

Lord Dukes de Enfer
Published in
26 min readJun 18, 2021
The White Devil

“The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince us he didn’t exist.”

-Verbal Kent

For years I’ve had what you might call an “obsession” with the Koch Brothers. In my defense, it didn’t start as an obsession, it started with a small observation. Then a little research opened my eyes to how two full generations of this Oligarchical klan have been working tirelessly to manipulate Americans to bend us to their will.

I wish one word of that was hyperbole or false, but it’s not.

On SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1900 Fred Chase Koch was born. Son of Dutch immigrants Fred graduated with a degree in chemical engineering in 1922 from MIT. He went to work in the Oil business and quickly established himself as a ‘go-getter’. Developing a practice that even the playing field with larger oil companies. He quickly had 44 lawsuits filed against him for patent infringement as the process he developed, he didn’t really develop.

This is one of the reasons Fred made most of his money in places like Communist Russia (don’t respect US patents) and other globally less legally problematic spots. The suits would later be (allegedly, due to bribes paid to judges) dropped.

Once he decided to take his brand of business overseas, he signed contracts with the then-Soviet Union to oversee the design and construction of an energy grid. Based primarily on OIL CRACKING (what he was being sued for illegally using) he did very well in Russia. The Soviets didn’t recognize the US patents so he trained Bolshivic engineers to build out 15 advanced oil refineries for the then leader Joe Stalin. Stalin (being Stalin) had several of his colleagues killed but that didn’t stop Fred from accepting a referral by Stalin to his (then) friend Adolph Hitler.

To be fair he built out energy systems all over the world, but two of his most successful endeavors were for Joe Stalin and Adolf Hitler, with those relationships ending around 1940. The Nazi’s war machine gave a lot of credit to the power system built by Fred Koch. It literally provided the energy to build Hitler’s Wehrmacht (Warmachine).

Well, “built by” might be in bad taste given who really did build the system. Of course, overseeing complex designs being executed to highly technical specifications being physically built by mal-naturist slaves had to offer its own set of challenges…… I guess.

To Fred’s credit, he deeply regretted his efforts in the Soviet Union and found communism to be an awful system.

Not to his credit, he loved the organization and uniformity of the Nazis. So much so he brought back a Nazi housemaid to help raise his young boys. In 1935 he imported a woman who has been described as a “fervent Nazi” by family members. She was a huge fan of order (shockingly) and among other insane stuff she was to make the boys go to the bathroom at the same time every day or face “stern discipline”. Nothing helps develop a young mind like being spanked for not pooping at 8 am sharp. She looked after Frederick from age 2–7 and Charles from birth to 5.

I assume with the older boys no longer subject to the insanity of pooping whenever you had to, she made her way back to her homeland. In 1940 the Nanny decided to go back as the Germans invaded France to “celebrate with the Fuhrer”. Yes, that really happened, and she really said it.

When the oldest son (Frederick) was in his 20’s the other three (really Charles and the twins followed) organized an ambush. Frederick was presumed (to the other three at least) gay and they tried to blackmail him for his shares in Koch industries. They told Frederick they would tell their father about his sexuality unless he divested his portion of their father’s company. Didn’t work. Fred basically stood up and told them to ‘shut up’ and left the room. This was an important event that had been hidden from the outside until a deposition recently. Because if you look past the blackmail and possible hate crime, this is the first time Charles organized a group and got them to support something really shady. Over the years he would become perhaps the best manipulator of large groups America has ever seen.

Even in the crazy repressive late 50s for three of them to pull such a move speaks to two things: 1) The greed displayed is pretty much consistent with how Charles has lived his entire life. 2) What a totally fucked up family.

Aside from stealing patented techniques from others to help some of the worst people in the history of the earth have stable power supplies, Fred has another indelible legacy, he was a Co-Founder of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY.

In case you never heard of this group/little club, here are some of the key tenants the JBS has focused on since its inception in 1958: The John Birch Society supports limited government and opposes wealth redistribution and economic interventionism. It opposes collectivism, totalitarianism, anarchism, and communism. It opposes socialism as well as every free trade agreement ever signed. They hate unions, globalization, and anything that benefits anyone who isn’t wealthy. And although not a public ideology, almost all members are White Anglosaxon. They hate Jews, Mormons, and pretty much anyone who was a color darker than a cocktail napkin. They opposed the civil rights movement as they expected it to create a “Soviet Negro Republic”.

JBS is to the right of the right wing. They were so extreme the organization fractured in the 1960s because half of the Society wanted to support Nixon while the other half supported Barry Goldwater. That’s like a passionate disagreement over which pesticide to use on your lawn.

One of Fred’s favorite activities was to have his sons fight. It amused him.

Mercifully in 1967 on a hunting trip, Fred died.

The four brothers Koch were really 1 + 1 +2. And I don’t mean the two older ones and the twins.

The oldest (Fred) and the youngest (William) exited with a billion or so each from a private sale (I make it sound voluntary, it was actually the end of 20 years of hard-fought litigation between the brothers) giving Charles and David controlling interest. How else would anything with this family be resolved but in court?

Charles and David both went to MIT and pursued graduate-level educations. Charles has an M.S. in both Nuclear and Chemical engineering from MIT and David (slacker) earning an M.S. in Chemical Engineering.

Whereas Donald Trump just mowed through his father’s fortune, lying about his business prowess, Charles and David took their father’s company to the next level. To their credit, they turned Koch Industries into the largest privately-owned company in the history of the world. But when you have no soul it’s easier to make money.

Aside from the largest private co. in the world they also have the record for the largest environmental judgment against a company and the largest judgment for safety violations.

Their safety record is borderline mid-evil as they knowingly exposed employees to cancer-causing chemicals repeatedly. Even after employees die and the families sue Koch Industries for negligence-related crimes they stay true to form. In at least one case, after exposing a worker to a drum filled with Benzine repeatedly (they had him cleaning it) for years, he got cancer from the Benzine, and they tried to cut off the man’s health insurance.

In the 90s they were accused of stealing oil from Indian reservations and brought in front of the US Senate to address the accusations. Accusations that accused them of pocketing millions and millions from the illegal act. The accuser was their own brother, David’s twin, William.

But shady business dealings by greedy rich guys aren’t worth a few thousand words. Hell in the USA right now you’d have to use a 6 figure number to count them up. Koch Industries is upper 3% of corporate scumbaggery, oh sure, but…. that type of stuff won’t make your headstone when the time comes.

However, a 40-year plan to destroy the rights our forefathers risked everything to colonize this country for us to have, and the democracy we share….. yeah, that’ll get you an article.



I just gave you highlights of Fred and the kids' lives up unto the 1970’s so you would have a base of understanding who they were going in. Because to have to explain this next part in a vacuum would be kind of impossible. Or at least too much to process. You can’t just accuse someone of being a Bond villain or of being Satan and not get scoffed at.

In 1980 David Koch ran for vice president on the Libertarian ticket. He lost. To this point, I have not gotten into the whole LIBERTARIAN thing. Mostly because we all know 5 of them and they usually don’t see eye to eye on much and all vote republican. The brothers have given billions of dollars to campaigns, almost entirely to Republicans. If you donate like a Republican, and only talk to Republicans you are a Republican.

A Little Tirade about Librarians before I get to the meat of this…….

Librataroans are Republicans. But when they gave money to (indirectly through a dark money group they owned called ClimateProgress) the crazy Oregon land grab psychos in 2016, that was not support for “Libratarianism”, it was sponsoring terrorism, but we’ll come back to that..

Although they still call themselves “Libertarians” all their money supports the GOP. This makes sense cuz DNC are pussies and the GOP are corrupt. If you are putting $10,000,000 into a Senate campaign you aren’t putting it into Diane Feinstein’s campaign, you put it into Ted Cruz’s. Although I’m sure Diane would pretty much do whatever you ask her to, Ted will literally do anything you tell him to. “Ted, feed my sister’s cat, she lives in Wisconsin.”

Ted — Sure thing bossman.

I think they stay with the Librarian canard because they can use it as an excuse to do any chaotic thing they feel like. It’s like the 3rd box “OTHER”, to be used when the Koch want something so shitty to humanity even their puppets balk as it will hurt their ability to be reelected and that works against the Koch’s long-term interest.

For instance…

Why are you giving money to the crazy people in Oregon trying to steal a federal park? (Koch’s did this)

-” We’re Librarians, we support land rights”.

Why are you putting millions into a bill to outlaw solar panels in Florida? (they did this too)

-” Libertarians, we’re all about personal freedoms”.

Why did you finance an entire school board election in a small district in North Carolina and then try to Gerrymander it along racial lines? (yes, they actually did this and the community threw their puppets off the board — good job NC)

Well, you get the point.

Another problem with their Libertarianism thing is how it goes against the land right stance of the GOP. Technically they want open borders, the GOP can not get anyone elected unless they play the racism/xenophobia card — hard.

From Wikipedia-

Libertarians seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production, or else to restrict their purview or effects to usufruct property norms, in favor of common or cooperative ownership and management, viewing private property as a barrier to freedom and liberty.

First off, that’s communism I thought and 2ndly I’m pretty sure Charles doesn’t want to turn his oil refinery over to “the people” nor does he want to abolish capitalism. He does however want to drill for oil everywhere he pleases. Which is why they so heavily supported Ken Ivory (R) Utah.


Ivory was a big-time supporter of State's Rights and even ran a foundation dedicated to making federal land, state land. Of course, when it was made public he and his wife took .50 of every dollar donated he had to step down. But don’t worry, this “Patriot” landed on his feet. After telling anyone who asked, “I have no connection to the Koch Brothers” while in office, he got a job in South Carolina’s FEDERALISM IN ACTION (coincidently, financed by the Koch Bros.) to work specifically on a project called, FREE THE LANDS.

Federalism in Action is a member of the States Policy Network, a Koch brother–funded network of more than 50 right-wing think tanks and “Libertarian” groups focusing on state policy. Not only do they support the group, they support the organization that aligns and oversees the groups. Shockingly, they pull strings.

It’s deviously ingenious, but we are just getting started.

The movement of lands from Federal to State control isn’t a popular thing right now. In fact, it’s deeply unpopular with 70% of the registered voters. But that just means they have to adjust a couple of things. In 2016 Ted Cruz said, I am “vigorously committed to transferring as much federal land as humanly possible back to the states.” Ted is as Koch as it gets.

In 2015

A conservative group backed by the billionaire Koch brothers and their wealthy allies boasts a scorecard on its website that rates the presidential candidates based on their opposition to policies meant to tackle climate change, such as EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, a renewable fuels standard, and a tax credit that benefits wind energy.

Texas senator Ted Cruz scored the highest rating on the American Energy Alliance site, which labeled him a “hero” due in part to his opposition to regulation and taxes. Cruz was followed on the scorecard by four other Republican candidates — Florida senator Marco Rubio (Koch toy), ex-Florida governor Jeb Bush, (also received almost all his funding from the Koch Network) ex-Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Kentucky senator Rand Paul, who were named as “defenders”.

Trump got a lower grade.

*Side note, Charles doesn’t like Trump, not becasue he’s a terror-mongering lunitic, but because he’s “Dim-witted and doesn’t listen”. Charles is very smart and a lot of things, but he completely intolerant of stupidity.*


When David ran for VP in the 1980 Presidential election he realized change was not going to be easy. Americans were not ready for their brand of Libratarianism with ties to a hardline racist organization…..yet.

Charles and David were already massive donors to political interests that met their unusual criteria, but they could only influence so much as there were laws in place to prevent rich greedy assholes from using their money to contort laws to their will.

In the early 1980's they were fast becoming political players. Although their methods of “donating” straddled the line between legal/illegal, the right-wing candidates and extreme conservatives had already identified the brothers as a resource to access much-needed funding for all sorts of crazy shit. The brothers had previously realized charities are tax right offs and instead of paying taxes they could establish charities using the almost nonexistent requirements to be a charity in this country. They could buy influence by throwing money at politicians and political causes instead of paying for their fair share of roads, police, firefighters etc. Because “They are Libertarians and don’t believe in taxation.” But so many laws constricting their ability to control people…. how do you maximize every evil penny? Enter a man named Richard Fink.

Richard Fink (1980) was a young prof at George Washington University. Although young, he was innovative with big ideas. After hearing of the Koch (pronounced “COCK”, (no it’s not, but I’m trying to change reality to my liking just like the KOCH Brothers — call it an “homage”)) money train Fink poured all his energies into getting a meeting to share his ideas. It went well enough to generate both funding and what has become a lifelong friendship. One that saw him rise to the CEO of KOCH INDUSTRIES private sector and a seat on the board until he recently retired.

Both Fink and the brothers had a vision for America. One that allows them to do as they please, with an oligarchic power over the serfs that have to work for them in the capacity they and they alone decide.

Fink would eventually move to Wichita to work for the brothers. Primarily running one of their foundations. But he had been brought in to make changes happen. I can’t outline all of the schemes cloaked in “LIBRATIARINISM” they patched together over the years as that isn’t an article, it’s a book. And it’s a long one that has already been written a few times. Suffice to say, all of the plans resulted in less environmental oversight to hinder KOCH PETROLEUM were designed to separate the races or get away with another crime the brothers had committed. Until 1996 at least.


In 1996, Fink unveiled his masterwork. I have a heavily redacted partial explanation below, but it’s basically a plan to force the principals of the Austrian School of Economics down or throats over many, many years. If you can explain it in one sentence better, please put it in the notes and I’ll revise this.


In an article for Philanthropy Magazine, Richard Fink, who led the Charles Koch Foundation and served as executive vice president of Koch Industries, called the Koch network’s integrated strategy their “Structure of Social Change,” writing:


“At the higher stages, we have the investment in the intellectual raw materials, that is, the exploration and production of abstract concepts and theories. These still come primarily (though not exclusively) from the research done by scholars at our universities”




“In the middle stages, ideas are applied to a relevant context and molded into needed solutions for real-world problems. This is the work of the think tanks and policy institutions …”




“But while the think tanks excel at developing new policy and articulating its benefits, they are less able to implement change. Citizen activist or implementation groups are needed in the final stage to take the policy ideas from the think tanks and translate them into proposals that citizens can understand and act upon.”



Allow me to share my thoughts on what all that means:


Give universities and colleges funding to support professors and faculty that will teach “our” way of thinking. For instance, they started a department at George Washington University called THE REGULATORY STUDIES CENTER. They research ways to go around things like EPA regulations.

Koch Foundation Funding to Universities (2005–2017): $256,780,623.00

If you know anything about universities, you know they are complete whores willing to do anything for money. Even the richest and most prestigious have a price. Jared Kushner’s dad had to buy Harvard a building to get his kid in. But he got his (at best) woefully average son in.

The GWU program is “A place where young minds could work together to find the real effects regulations have on society”. Coincidently, 96% of the papers that have come out of there over years attack existing regulations that hamper Big Oil in some way. But that’s obviously a coincidence. (cough, cough)

Although Columbia School of science and art at GWU claims “unbiased research”, they accepted $ 1 million from the Koch’s as well as the new partner in their pursuit to destroy the earth, EXXON. Coincidently, GWU is considered ground zero for climate denial research. Almost every study, paper or piece of propaganda you see that denies or twists scientifically accepted reality has Fink’s, David and Charles Koch’s fingerprints on it.

Just so I can show you the scope of this, the following list (just THE CHARLES G KOCH FOUNDATION) were donations in 2019. Have a nice scroll.


  • 1 Edtech Foundation: $220,200
  • 4.0 Schools: $1,250,000
  • 50Can: $300,000
  • Academy On Capitalism And Limited Government Foundation: $90,000
  • Acton Academy Foundation: $60,000
  • Acton Institute: $5,320
  • American College Of National Security Leaders: $92,500
  • American Conservative Union Foundation: $5,422
  • American Council Of Trustees And Alumni: $37,031
  • American Council On Education: $203,000
  • American Enterprise Institute: $137,500
  • American Ideas Institute: $316,600
  • American Immigration Council: $100,000
  • American Institute For Economic Research: $34,650
  • American Juris Link: ($20,000 for future payment)
  • American Legislative Exchange Council: $489,211
  • American Society Of News Editors Foundation: $85,000
  • American Transparency: $125,000
  • American University: $230,362
  • Americans For Oxford: $423,000
  • Americans For Prosperity Foundation: $5,000
  • Arizona Council On Economic Education: $22,000
  • Arizona State University Foundation: $3,212,641
  • Asbury University: $30,000
  • Association Of American Universities: $50,000
  • Association Of Private Enterprise Education: $60,000
  • Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys: $110,000
  • Atlas Network: $28,168
  • Ave Maria University: $22,643
  • Azusa Pacific University: $25,000
  • Badger Institute: $50,000
  • Baylor University: $898,550
  • Beacon Center: $126,000
  • Bellwether Education Partners: $20,000
  • Benedictine College: $16,000
  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: $511,300
  • Bethel College: $12,000
  • Bill of Rights Institute: $1,700,000
  • Bipartisan Policy Center: $100,000
  • Birmingham Southern College: $8,500
  • Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University: $653,917
  • Boise State University Foundation: $10,000
  • Boston College: $12,000
  • Boston University: $447,350
  • Bowling Green State University: $475,000
  • Bridgewater State University Foundation: $11,900
  • Bridgeyear: $50,000
  • Brigham Young University: $15,500
  • Brookings Institution: $528,374
  • Brown University: $730,000
  • Bryan College: $30,300
  • Buckeye Institute: $104,200
  • Buried Alive Project: $230,000
  • Cairn University: $89,250
  • Carleton University: $11,500
  • Carnegie Mellon University: $214,700
  • Carroll College: $18,000
  • Case Western Reserve University: $200,000
  • Catholic University Of America: $8,000
  • Cato Institute: $4,351,789
  • Cause Of Action: $4,500
  • Cedarville University: $21,000
  • Center for a New American Security: $24,953
  • Center for Democracy and Technology: $35,000
  • Center For Independent Thought: $72,688
  • Center For Innovative Governance Research: $25,000
  • Center For International Policy: $50,000
  • Center For Migration Studies: $105,000
  • Center For The Philosophy Of Freedom: $3,024
  • Chapman University: $449,670
  • Chicago Council On Global Affairs: ($359,000 for future payment)
  • Christian Legal Society & Intervarsity Dinners: ($24,000 for future payment)
  • Christopher Newport University: $183,000
  • Claremont Graduate University: $1,477,214
  • Claremont Institute: $1,692
  • Claremont McKenna College: $13,000
  • Classical Liberals In The Carolinas: $20,000
  • Clayton Christensen Institute: $36,000
  • Clemson University: $981,966
  • CO2 Coalition: $12,078
  • Coastal Educational Foundation: $16,000
  • College Of Charleston Foundation: $25,000
  • College Of New Jersey Foundation: $25,000
  • College Of The Holy Cross: $87,000
  • College Of The Sequoias Foundation: $6,000
  • College Of William And Mary: $7,000
  • Columbia University: $650,000
  • Competitive Enterprise Institute: $52,826
  • Concourse Education: $100,000
  • Convergence Center For Policy Resolution: $50,000
  • Core Knowledge Foundation: $100,000
  • Cornell University: $747,515
  • Council Of Independent Colleges: $407,000
  • Creighton University: $743,927
  • Dakota Wesleyan University: $83,333
  • Dallas Baptist University: $4,000
  • Dartmouth College: $66,000
  • Data Catalyst: $45,000
  • Delaware Council On Economic Education: $72,500
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute: $152,000
  • Diocese Of Charleston: $15,000
  • DonorsTrust: $25,000
  • Duke University: $1,554,415
  • Eastern Florida State College: $5,000
  • Eastern Oregon University: ($33,000 for future payment)
  • Elm Institute: $20,000
  • Energy Innovation Reform Project: $100,000
  • Engine Foundation Inc: $45,000
  • Environmentalists For Effective Education: $55,000
  • Equality Lab: $30,000
  • Essential Partners: $8,000
  • Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission: $24,000
  • Eurasia Group Foundation: $520,000
  • Family Online Safety: $170,000
  • Faulkner University: $29,500
  • Ferris State University: $45,695
  • Fidelity Charitable: $1,000,000
  • Florida Atlantic University Foundation: $47,000
  • Florida International University Foundation: $32,000, ($174,559 for future payment)
  • Florida Southern College: $76,000
  • Florida State University: $4,518,000
  • Fordham University: $40,538
  • Foreign Policy Research Institute: $65,000
  • Foundation For Criminal Justice: $250,000
  • Foundation for Economic Education: $110,000
  • Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $1,000,000
  • Fraser Institute: $285,000
  • Friends Committee On National Legislation Education: $25,000
  • Friends Of Cevro Institute Inc: $110,000
  • Friends Of The Children: $462
  • Friends Of UFM: $20,000
  • Friends Of University Of Surrey: $23,500
  • Fund For Constitutional Government: $30,800
  • Genetic Literacy Project: $137,000
  • George Fox University: $26,347
  • George Mason University: $17,608,073, ($174,559 for future payment)
  • George Washington University: $795,336, ($10,000 for future payment)
  • Georgetown University: $1,036,000
  • Georgia Tech Foundation Inc: $255,000
  • Gilder Lehrman Institute Of American History: $287,200
  • Goldwater Institute: $3,000
  • Great Hearts America: $100,000
  • Greater Horizons: $1,000,000
  • Grove City College: $55,000
  • Hampden-Sydney College: $25,000
  • Harvard University: $566,900, ($20,000 for future payment)
  • Heritage Foundation: $178,009
  • Hillsdale College: $55,000
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund: $250,000
  • Hope College: $109,000
  • Houston Baptist University: $100,000
  • In Media Res Support Foundation: $130,000
  • Independent Institute: $30,000
  • Independent Women’S Forum: $100,000
  • Indiana State University: $12,200
  • Indiana University: $1,171,903
  • Information Technology & Innovation Foundation: $200,000
  • Instauratio Magna Foundation: $50,000
  • Institute for American Values: $150,000
  • Institute For Economic Studies — Europe: $27,000
  • Institute For Energy Research: $14,145
  • Institute for Humane Studies: $4,957,124, ($15,675 for future payment)
  • Institute For Justice: $12,584
  • Institute For Spending Reform: $83,519
  • Interfaith Youth Core: $215,000
  • International Center For Law & Economics: $786,337
  • Iowa State University: $939,966
  • Jack Miller Center: $60,000
  • James G Martin Center For Academic Renewal: $10,000
  • James Madison Institute: $162,000
  • James Madison University: $45,000
  • John Brown University: $118,500
  • John Locke Foundation: $75,000
  • Johns Hopkins University: $728,450
  • Junior Achievement Usa: $359,300
  • Kansas State University Foundation: $605,000
  • Kennesaw State University Foundation: $303,000
  • Kent State University Foundation: ($54,276 for future payment)
  • Kings College London: $15,000
  • La Sierra University: ($19,000 for future payment)
  • Lake Forest College: $24,000
  • Land Conservation Assistance Network: $100,000
  • Landmark College: $32,000
  • Leadership Institute: $4,719
  • Lee University: $26,000
  • Legatum Institute Foundation: $77,000
  • Libertas Institute: $121,000
  • Lindenwood University: $625,725
  • Lock Haven University: $13,000
  • Loras College: $50,000
  • LSU Foundation: $1,016,560
  • Mackinac Center for Public Policy: $100,000
  • Malone University: $7,000
  • Manhattan Institute: $100,000
  • Marian University: $425,000
  • Market Institute Foundation: $17,802
  • Marshall-Wythe School Of Law Foundation: $50,000
  • Massachusetts Institute Of Technology: $472,900
  • McGill University: $182,670
  • Mediators Foundation: $50,000
  • Metropolitan State University Denver Foundation I: $10,000
  • Miami University: $264,000
  • Michigan State University: $193,612
  • Middle Tennessee State University Foundation: $374,422
  • Migration Policy Institute: $174,000
  • Mikeroweworks Foundation: $128,673
  • Million Air Club: $1,920
  • Millions Of Conversations: $50,000
  • Minerva Institute For Research And Scholarship: $1,500,000
  • Mississippi State University Foundation: $80,500
  • Mobile Loaves & Fishes: $1,812
  • Montana State University — Bozeman: $1,642,250
  • Murray State University: $10,000
  • Nacdl Foundation For Criminal Justice: $319,500
  • Narrative 4: $550,000
  • National Constitution Center: $430,500
  • National Foundation For American Policy: $32,500
  • National Immigration Forum: $35,000
  • National Review Institute: $4,563
  • National Right To Work Legal Defense And Education: $8,156
  • National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $6,904, ($90,000 for future payment)
  • New America Foundation: $50,000
  • New Civil Liberties Alliance: $1,007,769
  • New Classrooms Innovation Partners Inc: $15,000
  • New Orleans Institute For Philosophy, Politics, And Economics: $50,000
  • New York University: $3,017,956
  • New York University School Of Law Foundation: $77,000
  • North Carolina State University: $235,250
  • North Dakota State University Foundation: $2,436,000
  • North Park University: $35,000
  • Northern Kentucky University Foundation: $34,000
  • Northern State University Foundation: $12,700
  • Northwestern Oklahoma State University Foundation: $12,000
  • Northwestern University: $699,136, ($171,000 for future payment)
  • Oakland University: $42,000
  • Ohio State University & Foundation: $229,531
  • Oklahoma State University Foundation: $10,000, ($20,240 for future payment)
  • Ottawa University: $106,700
  • Pace University: $4,000
  • Pacific Legal Foundation: $1,019,795
  • Pacific Research Institute: $100,000
  • Partnership For A New American Economy Research Fund: $100,000
  • Pelican Institute: $122,000
  • Pennsylvania State University: $74,500
  • Philanthropy Roundtable: $30,000
  • Phoenix Multisport: $5,106
  • Praxis Foundation: $70,000
  • President And Fellows Of Harvard College: $132,600
  • Prison Fellowship Ministries: $20,124
  • Project On Government Oversight: $160,000
  • Property And Environment: $175,000
  • Providence College: $13,000
  • Public Agenda: $250,000
  • Public Choice Society: $61,281
  • Purdue University: $1,033,000
  • R Street Institute: $97,886
  • Radford University: $10,000
  • Rand Corporation: $1,051,000
  • Real Clear Foundation: $58,000
  • Reason Foundation: $9,813
  • Rector And Visitors Of The University Of Virginia: $15,000
  • Regent University: $19,000
  • Regents Of The University Of Colorado: $7,600
  • Regents Of The University Of Minnesota: $26,500
  • Research Foundation Of Cuny: $413,663
  • Rice University: $3,000,500
  • Roanoke College: $10,000
  • Rockford University: $20,400
  • Rutgers The State University Of New Jersey: $34,408
  • Saint Francis University: $447,800
  • Salisbury University Foundation: $15,000
  • Samford University: $46,000
  • Santa Clara University: $22,000, ($500,000 for future payment)
  • Scala Foundation: $50,000
  • Scholars At Risk Network: $600,000
  • Skillsusa Foundation Inc: $25,000
  • Social Good Fund: $460,000
  • Southeast Missouri State University: $28,000
  • Southern Illinois University Foundation: $7,915
  • Southern Methodist University: $2,386,618
  • Southwest Baptist University: $13,520
  • St Anselm College: $125,000
  • St John’s University: $141,438
  • Stand Together Foundation: $12,558
  • Stand Together Trust: $2,500,000
  • Stanford University: $464,500, ($328,772 for future payment)
  • State Policy Network: $3,850
  • Step Up For Students Inc: $500,000
  • Stephen F Austin State University: $7,000
  • Stevens Institute Of Technology: $227,000
  • Stout University Foundation: $187,518
  • Students for Liberty: $12,929
  • Susquehanna University: $12,000
  • Syracuse University: $425,100
  • Taxpayers for Common Sense: $86,000
  • Tech4America: $157,000
  • Techfreedom: $389,000
  • Technology Policy Institute: $592,500
  • Tel Foundation: $775,000
  • Texas A&M University Foundation: $2,335,160
  • Texas Fair Defense Project: $170,000
  • Texas Public Policy Foundation: $1,475,156
  • Texas Tech University — Foundation: $25,000
  • The Aspen Institute: $175,000
  • The Board Of Regents, NSHE: $14,000
  • The Corporation Of Mercer University: $130,000
  • The Curators Of The University Of Missouri: $18,000
  • The Edison Institute: $100,000
  • The King’s College: $323,000
  • The National HBCU Speech And Debate Association: $118,000
  • The Ohio State University: $908,770, ($34,000 for future payment)
  • The Other Side Academy: $5,356
  • Poynter Institute: $326,000
  • The Regents Of The University Of California: $45,000
  • The Sixth Amendment Center: $181,000
  • The University Foundation At Sacramento State: $5,000
  • Thurgood Marshall College Fund: $1,900,000
  • Troy University Foundation: $200,000
  • Truman State University: $10,000
  • Trustees Of Columbia University: $280,835
  • Trustees Of Indiana University: $18,000
  • Trustees Of Tufts College: $882,467
  • UC Regents: $10,000
  • UNC School Of Government Foundation: $200,000
  • United Negro College Fund: $3,839,837
  • University Of Arizona: $962,000
  • University Of Arkansas: $3,000
  • University Of Birmingham: ($32,500 for future payment)
  • University Of California: $941,335
  • University Of California Irvine Foundation: $5,000
  • University Of Central Arkansas Foundation: $562,500
  • University Of Central Florida: $18,319
  • University Of Chicago: $1,103,913
  • University Of Cincinnati: $14,800
  • University Of Colorado — Colorado Springs: $72,500, ($203,000 for future payment)
  • University Of Colorado Boulder: ($614,500 for future payment)
  • University Of Colorado Foundation: $72,000
  • University Of Dallas: $545,500
  • University Of Delaware: $93,000
  • University Of Florida Foundation: $1,379,625
  • University Of Georgia Foundation: $42,250
  • University Of Hong Kong: $45,000
  • University Of Kentucky: $986,365
  • University Of Kentucky Research Foundation: $50,100
  • University Of Louisville Foundation: $211,675
  • University Of Louisville Research Foundation: $15,000
  • University Of Maryland College Park Foundation: $648,506
  • University Of Michigan: $233,000
  • University Of Nebraska — Omaha: $43,000
  • University Of Nebraska Foundation: $250,000
  • University Of Nevada Las Vegas Foundation: ($311,700 for future payment)
  • University Of New Haven: $20,000
  • University Of New Mexico Foundation: $5,000
  • University Of New Orleans Foundation: $221,222, ($110,000 for future payment)
  • University Of North Carolina — Chapel Hill: $1,106,500
  • University Of North Carolina — Pembroke: $10,000
  • University Of Notre Dame: $1,115,641
  • University Of Oxford: $5,000
  • University Of Pennsylvania: $772,000
  • University Of Pittsburgh: $1,120,000
  • University Of Rhode Island: $3,100
  • University Of Rochester: $35,000
  • University Of San Diego: $87,500
  • University Of San Francisco: $21,322
  • University Of South Alabama: $4,500
  • University Of Southern California: $841,725
  • University Of Tampa: $23,000
  • University Of Tennessee — Knoxville: $24,500
  • University Of Texas — Austin: $5,000
  • University Of Texas — Dallas: $100,000
  • University Of Texas — San Antonio Utsa Downtown Campus: $99,000
  • University Of Tulsa: $50,000
  • University Of Utah: $953,000
  • University Of Virginia: $11,500
  • University Of Virginia Law School Foundation: $148,157
  • University Of Washington: $10,000
  • University Of Wisconsin Foundation: $1,018,500
  • University Of Wyoming Foundation: $249,949
  • Utah State University: $2,500,000
  • Utah State University Foundation: ($2,500,000 for future payment)
  • Vanderbilt University: $679,933
  • Villanova University: $948,000
  • Virginia Council On Economic Education: $22,000
  • Virginia Tech: $476,042
  • Wake Forest University: $434,100
  • Wellesley College: $250,000
  • Wesleyan College: $7,500
  • West Point Association Of Graduates: $25,000
  • West Texas A&M University: $12,600
  • West Virginia University: $268,000
  • Western Carolina University Foundation: $376,306
  • Western Kentucky University: $27,600
  • Western Michigan University: $167,200
  • Western Resources Legal Center: $25,000
  • Wichita State University Foundation: $244,400, ($65,000 for future payment)
  • Wisconsin Institute: $40,000
  • World Affairs Council Of Philadelphia: $50,000
  • Xavier University: $100,000
  • Yale University: $79,000
  • Young Americans for Liberty: $9,907
  • Young Americans for Liberty Foundation: $355,000
  • Young Voices: $92,423
  • Youth Entrepreneurs Kansas: $2,000

And that money isn’t just a check being dripped off, it comes with use stipulations. Yes, you must agree to certain curriculum adjustments to get the big checks. Not a 100% sure but some of the smaller donations to places you wouldn’t expect are to make the large ones to places they have total control less striking. But every dollar they spend has a purpose.


In a recent article, I go into some detail about Citizens United and the Supreme Court case from 2012 that was steroids to the Koch’s plan. (*DARK MONEY AND THE EVIL MEN DO* It’s on my homepage if interested) It was a legal adjustment that took years, billions of dollars and a shit ton of strong-arming to make happen.

Although they had money, certain (Non-Libertarian in nature) laws prevented them from spending on what they want, when they want. Laws forced political disclosures when they donated and corporations had all kinds of limits and regulations.

That is the big trick with the SCOTUS 2012 ruling. That ruling made it ok to anonymously donate to the KOCH BROTHERS NETWORK and supported charities without your multi-million dollar donation being tracked. So you give them $5,000,000 or $10,000,000 to help fund this monster undertaking and people like BARRE SEID, GLEN TAYLOR and RICHERD DEVOS aren’t held accountable for their awful abuses to humanity they helped finance.

Prior to 2012 the brothers had solicited money for their evil plans from the .001% richest Americans, but after 2012, what we call, THE KOCH NETWORK was really born.


You may have heard of THE KOCH NETWORK before. It’s very simple. Once a year they get as many ultra-rich assholes in a room and in a over-the-top cult-like pep rally of Satan’s henchman, they get everyone screaming and donating. The event is secret, it’s hidden and private. You’ll never see footage of the event and few people will ever speak of it publically.

These events generate millions for the Koch Network, then a few years later it generated 100’s of millions and currently billions. The money was just handed over and the Koch Network handled the rest. And that was important as most of these shit-bags aren’t man enough to put their name on what they support. Maybe because they know it’s fundamentally wrong?


Open secrets made the following flow chart explaining the complexities and intricatcies that have gone into the financials of the KOCH NETWORK.

Why do all this work yourself, just let them handle the distribution. Before, people like Taylor and DeVos would face heavy public scrutiny as their donations to ultra-right-wing groups, Trump etc. were publically disclosed. And as NBA owners, being a person who supports racists/fascists publically can work poorly with a predominantly minority fan base. But, the 2012 Robert’s court fixed that.

Or in the case of Barre Seid, maybe just being a crazy introvert you want your name left out of articles (like this one) attacking you for trying to destroy society like Barre Seid has. He’s in his 80’s, has a billion-plus and there are only 2 known pictures of Barre Seid. Barre Seid.

If you hear anyone talk about the “Kabal of elites” or the “Evil old White men” who run things, they exist. It’s the list of people who fund the Koch Network every year.

The three I mentioned are a small sample size as the Koch’s have hundreds of private donors coughing up big money every year. It’s expensive to run university think tanks designed to be tasked with generating inaccurate conclusions based on either real or manipulated data. You also have a promotional arm working to sell this narrative of lies. On top of that you have all the bribes….er….donations to the politicians that must be paid. And you have to make sure these are total puppets, spinless bags of meat who are absent of souls or wired to be dishonest under any circumstances.. Fortunately, the GOP has produced wave after wave of such candidates.

Although every single elected Republican in the US is either getting some Koch money or is supported by a Koch super pac “independently” of their campaign money, on occasion they find “their bitch” (used as it was in THE WATERBOY) and you find a ton of cash flowing towards a weak Democrat. This is not only rare but it’s ugly as it is targeted.


It’s almost as big a deal when the Koch’s give a Democrat money as it would be for a dem to take it. Because the Kochs are so locked into a specific agenda (control everything) if a dem accepts their help you have to ask, “why”?

Which leads me to EXHIBIT #A. Why I call the Koch’s financial support “bribes”. As of the writing of this Joe Manchin (D, West Virginia) is one of two dem’s not agreeing to the Voter’s Rights Act. The other is far less senior, and would not be pushing this had Joe not taken point. It’s an important piece of legislation that would prevent gerrymandering, and close some of the crazy racist GOP-led state voting legislation they are pushing. AND it would force Super Pacs to disclose who was donating……..

Joe says, “I want bipartisan support for this” but the GOP never has it and forces every anti-democratic bs law down everyone’s throat they can come up with. It made no sense. And the Koch’s didn’t seem to be giving Manchin any money. What’s going on?

WASHINGTON, April 15 (Reuters) — The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said it is backing Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema with campaign contributions as a reward for their opposition to some of President Joe Biden’s legislative initiatives and for trying to work with Republicans.

Come to find out the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE has turned their money (donations) back on for Joe. You see, the COC is a largely conservative group that is now funded by……..the Koch network. They are legally bribing him into preventing this bill from becoming law and state-by-state Civil Rights era legislation is being chipped away at. Hey, one way or the other they have to stop that “NEGRO-SOVIET STATE” right?

Thanks Joe Manchin! Now we can all live like it’s 1958!


This next statement will be controversial but it’s just reality.

The Republican Party currently exists to serve the wants of the Koch Network and to a certain extent the Heritage foundation.

If you want to be a GOP Senator or Congressman you have to do the following:

1) Not only question Climate change, but grandstands saying totally insane, inaccurate shit that is going to lead to their grandkids living off of Elk droppings in balmy Alaska when they grow up. And you get bonus points for saying the most over-the-top BS.

2) Actively work to prevent most American’s having health care. How do you tell a room full of people to vote for you when your main job is to decrease your constitutes life span? No clue, but the GOP has mastered this.

3) Find creative ways to reduce the middle class and further enrich the already billionaires many times over who are paying your super PAC.

4) Keep black people from voting.

Charles Koch’s version of civilized society is how you are going to live and I don’t see a way we can stop it.

“The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince us he didn’t exist.”

-Keiser Sose



Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler