Taking a pause

and moving nearby

The intent of the A-post-a-day-project was, as the name implies, to post once every day. Over the years, while I have had some long streaks, overall, it has been far from a post per day.

Finally acknowledging that posting once a day may not be practically feasible, I am taking a pause with this publication. I am not winding it down and may announce short post-a-day streaks when on vacation for example.

For now, I am creating a new publication: Glimzine

The name is intentionally not an existing English word — to avoid any pre-conceived notions of what this publication may or may not be about.

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

As one door closes, and another opens, hope to see you on the other side!

Here’s to a fresh beginning!

Photo by Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash

