
Where would you like to be in 10 years?

Dani N.
A Process of Discovery
3 min readJun 26, 2016


10 years seems like a lifetime from now. It is. Kinda. But, if the past 10 years have been any indication as to how quickly 10 years can pass, it’ll be here before I know it.
Where would I like to be in 10 years? Let’s see…
Journey will be 16. (That’s terrifying. That sentence alone…is terrifying.)
Jett Thomas will be quickly approaching his 11th birthday.
There will be others…Probably 1 biological and (at least) 1 that is not.
In 10 years…on this day…Tommy will have one more sunrise as a 39 year old. In 10 years…on the 27th…he’ll be 40.
In 10 years, I’ll still be in my 30’s. …I’ve heard your 30’s are the best years of your life. Actually, maybe that was about your 40's…?…50's? Whatever; They’re all gonna be miraculous.
In 10 years, we will have probably moved into a larger home to accommodate our growing family. I wonder if I’ll be driving a minivan…
In 10 years, the larger home we’ve moved into may or may not be in Missouri. Where would you like to be in 10 years? Let me dream for a second:

In 10 years from now, I want to have moved west. I want palm trees year round and I’d really like a hammock. I want to be surrounded by positivity and diversity and progressive thinkers. I want to only shop local and only eat organic and I want to take my kids and husband to meditate and do yoga on the beach at sunrise before beginning a day of homeschooling and random acts of kindness throughout community. I want to live in a cozy home with solar panels and very few devices with glowing screens.


In 10 years from now, I want to have moved outward. Away from the suburbs. Away from the awkwardly friendly neighbors and the sounds of traffic and HOA dues. I want to own acreage and I want animals. I’d like a few chickens for eggs and I’d like a large garden for our produce. I want the kids to be able to play out in the field until dusk and not have to worry about “stranger danger.” I want the kids to be raised unafraid to get their hands dirty, especially if it’s for the benefit of the family as a whole. I want the kids to have to “walk to school, uphill (both ways), in the snow…” Oh, and I’d still like solar panels…and, of course, my clothesline.

Realistically speaking, though, in 10 years I’ll probably be in this exact spot, in this exact chair, on the screened-in porch, cursing fireworks that are all bark and no bite. And, truthfully, though I’d like to get westward or outward…I won’t be the least bit upset if I haven’t headed anywhere other than back and forth to the lake.

