
What are your top 5 pet peeves?

Dani N.
A Process of Discovery
1 min readJun 27, 2016


  • Religion being used to fuel hate. (Specifically Christianity, because I’m not going to pretend to know enough about the others to discuss.)
    Jesus wasn’t an asshole…and he would appreciate it if you would stop being one in his name.
  • Non-religion being used as ammunition.
    I love Bill Maher. He’s a dick about religion. It’s unnecessary.
  • Blatant disregard for the earth.
    I drive an SUV…it’s not a hybrid or anything fancy…and I don’t have solar panels on my home…but I’m taking baby steps to be more environmentally kind. First, I don’t throw shit out my SUV’s window instead of a trashcan. Second, I don’t drive my SUV when unnecessary. Third, my clothesline…I love, love, love it. We only have one planet, people. And it appears to be getting a little pissed off at how it’s been treated. Get with the program. Start by no longer throwing shit out your SUV’s window.
  • Enabling people to death.
    “If you keep putting a mattress out for them, they will never hit bottom.” In case you’re not reading this all the way through, if they never hit bottom, they just keep digging deeper and deeper and deeper…and you’ve got a shovel, too.
  • Laziness/Misplaced responsibility/Poor work ethic.
    I don’t feel the need to expand upon this.

