
Discuss your views on religion

Dani N.
A Process of Discovery
3 min readJun 29, 2016


This topic put me an entire day behind schedule because I dread the response I’ll receive in posting it. I am undoubtedly:
a) what’s wrong with Christians today
b) what’s wrong with young people today
c) amazing. If God were to go back on His word about never again drowning the earth’s population and starting anew as He did with Noah, I’m the person He should use to restock the world.

I haven’t always been a Christian. But I have been for a few years now, and I’ve become more tolerant, openminded, honest, generous, etc. I feel like oftentimes that is reversed in many people. And I don’t really understand the reasoning behind it at all. …Granted I’m also a member of a 12-step fellowship that encourages the use of spiritual principles…so, maybe it’s a mixture of recovery and my interpretation of the Bible. Honestly, if it weren’t for that 12-step fellowship, there’s no way I would’ve walked in the doors of a church…first, for a meeting…later, for service…still later, as a volunteer for VBS or Sunday School. But Christianity (for me) is feel good stuff. It’s knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can’t fuck up so badly that Jesus won’t be waiting for me at the pearly gates with a warm cup of coffee and a hug.

Oh, by the way: In my opinion (which is what this is about), Jesus is okay with me saying the “f-word.” Jesus knows my heart and my intention and loves me the same…so, even if I didn’t use the “f-word”, he knows that I wanted to. Jesus knows that I’m not throwing around profanity like rolls at Lambert’s…I’m not telling Grandpa, “I read a few chapters from Proverbs last night and it was fucking miraculous reading!” I do choose to use discretion, but…if I didn’t…it wouldn’t matter anyway! I don’t believe that Jesus cares what words I use in a blog that is going to be read by other adults. There are more important things in the world to be concerned with. As I’m sure you’re well aware, Christians like to get all wound up about things…and this is just one of those many, many, many things. A word is a word is a word is a word…just like love is love is love is love is love is love is love. Get over yourselves, Christians. You are not so important that you get to choose how other Christians talk, behave, misbehave, work, play, dress, or love.


Apparently I needed that.

I can’t speak of other religions, because I have no knowledge of them. I have a few friends of the Jewish faith…and, basically, all I know about their religion is that they get to eat some damn tasty bread every now and then…their holidays look a little different…and, from my observation, they’ve got a great sense of community within their faith. (Much thanks to the Jewish Community Center, I’d imagine.) I have many friends who are atheist (do I capitalize that?)…some teeter and prefer “agnostic” for a period of time before jumping into the boat labeled “atheist”…

My point is: I give no shits what your faith is. I truthfully do not care even a little bit if you have religion or if you’ve lost your religion (“That’s me in the corner…that me in the spot — light….”) or if you never had religion to begin with. Don’t get me wrong — If you want to talk about what I believe…or, if you’re interested in my faith or exploring a relationship with Jesus, I am 100% game for conversation…because I want for everyone to feel the acceptance and unconditional love that I have in my heart. BUT I am not so naive to believe that my route of spiritual growth is appropriate for everyone. I totally understand that Christianity is not everyone’s cup of tea, and I most definitely will not force you to drink tea if you are not a willing participant. That’s how literal and figurative messes happen. I’m not in the business of making messes today. Can I get an amen?

