Toddler Talk

For one hour, I wrote down things the toddlers in my classroom said to each other.

Dani N.
A Process of Discovery
1 min readMay 6, 2016


Listed in no particular order:

“…it was an accident. Do you need a hug? Can I give you one?”
“I like bananas. Bananas always make me feel better.”
“No, thank you.”
“I have to take off my hat when I am at the table.”
“I feel frustrated. I will go down the slide.”
“I need a hug.”
“He protects me — because he is my friend, so he keeps me safe.”
“Cantaloupe is not the same like antelope. ‘…where the deer and the antelope play…’ It’s not samesies.”
“Yes, please.”
“I need some space.”
“I do like to hold your hand.”
“I’m going to walk away now…”
“Let’s stop real quick. Feel this grass right now; it feels cold in my hands.”
“I will give this to you when I am finished. Okay?”
“It is okay to go in through the door, but not through the window. That is not okay.”

