Wireless mouse tale

The story about one mouse and her friend 

Olzhas Usipbaev
4 min readJan 29, 2014

A simple computer mouse once lived. We definetly know about her that it was a female mouse, but we dont’t know who was the manufacturer. She wasn’t the most advanced mouse, but she had the laser sensor and she even was wireless. In fact she didn’t live because she had no batteries. Batteries with the mouse layed in the box quietly waiting until someone will buy them. But mouse did not know anything. She was sleeping.

Her only awakening was in the manufacturing factory where it was assembled. Robot turned her on and checked essential parameters. She didn’t have time to congize the world and wrongly decided that she had been produced by that robot. Then there was a long journey in the hold of the ship and the railway carriage. And as we mentioned mouse had no idea about all this, she was dreaming and seeing a sterile white floor of the Taiwanese factory.

And then one day, a person brought it home and turned on. We also don’t know his real name so we’ll just call him owner. Mouse woke up, she came to life! World filled her sensor with the palette of bright colors! It happened because owner had colorful mouse pad with a picture of a tiger.

Mouse imagined that pad was a field of blooming flowers, though she did not know how real flowers and real tigers look like. Owner clicked on one of her buttons. It was completely new sensation. Mouse understood that it was the left button and loudly said that. Yes, we forgot to say that the mouse could talk! Mouse was also very surprised, because up to this point, she did not know that fact too. However, people couldn’t hear her voice because he had a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Then owner scrolled the wheel on her back and mouse found it pleasant. Mouse again said about that. She did not understand why she was doing it. And she was sad because no one heard her.

Finally owner plugged the receiver into computer. And mouse suddenly heard:

— Hi!

— Hello! Who are you?

— I’m receiver. And you are a mouse, aren’t you? Let’s be friends.

— Great! Nice to hear you.

They did not know that they were made for each other initially. Mouse realized the meaning of her life — talking to the receiver. They chatted on various topics. About where the mouse was, which button was pressed or how she feels when wheel is being scrolled. When owner did not wiggle for a long time they could talk about abstract things. For example, mouse could describe an emerald eye of the tiger or a snow-white sheet of paper reminding mouse of her birthday. Sometimes owner used old drafts instead of the mouse pad. Mouse loved listening to the receiver telling her what’s going on in the bowels of the system unit. The receiver was not getting all the events, but some echoes of news reached him because he understood the language of other parts of the computer.

The day ended, and the owner turned off the computer and mouse. Mouse and receiver had dreams, the colorful dreams in which they walked together in the fantastic country which we can not imagine.

Next morning and all further started with the same procedure.

— Hi!

— Hello! Who are you?

No, they din’t forget each other. They just had to do it because it was arranged. They even knew that human called it with a funny word “handshake”. Usually they spend the whole day in the conversation.

Several months passed quickly. Owner’s exams came. Owner was a student. Once owner was tired of preparing for the upcoming exam and forgot to turn off mouse power, but powered off the computer. Mouse did not realize fast that her only friend suddenly became silent…

— Hello! Where are you?

Mouse was screaming. Receiver couldn’t answer her. Countless times she screamed into the darkness and silence. It should be noted that the time for mouse flowed much more slowly than for people. During one second she managed to call hier friend more than a thousand times. And so it went on all night. Mouse was desperate, she was doomed to the eternal solitude. She had lost the meaning of the life and wanted to consume batteries and die. If the mouse was a dog she would howl. But she was no more than a wireless computer mouse and so she whined at 2.4 gigahertz.

Suddenly a familiar voice interrupted her lamentations.

— Hi!

The receiver was enjoying a wonderful morning.

— Hello!!!

It was pure happiness. They’re back together, she is not alone! Mouse jabbered about how she was lonely and what a terrible night she survived. She was afraid not to hear the answer. Receiver assured her that he would never leave her. They did not know the role of the owner in their lives. They were enjoying it.

(Sorry for mistakes, English isn’t my native language)



Olzhas Usipbaev

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.