a-Qube opens registration for Beta-testers!

Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2019

Innovators, game-changers, business-dreamers — the time has come!

After months of “cavemen life”, iterations, research and about 12 different countries on and over the seas …

We are excited to announce that a-Qube Mobile App is ready for launch!

…well, almost ready. In fact, we need your help to make it perfect.

Our team has been working non-stop to deliver the first version of the a-Qube mobile app — a distributed network of innovation, which connects creators & innovators with entrepreneurs, corporations and startups ready to build the next big thing.

So here we are and we ask for your help. We want you!

We know it’s not perfect, but we wanted to get a version out to you — our community — since the very beginning. To make sure we’re building the platform that YOU want to use.

Our Prototype will allow innovators to take part and contribute to the challenges proposed by the Pilot Companies. In real time, from any location — turning a simple challenge into an innovative business solution.

Through this beta testing and first release, a-Qube will have two core features ready to use:

  1. Challenge Track
  2. Implementation Process

Here’s a glimpse of how the app is going to look like:

So what do we need to make it happen?

  • 7 days of actual testing, on real challenges, with real collaborative intelligence at work
  • 50 brave beta-testers, the Qube-pioneers!
  • Minimum tech-skills (to install locally) will be preferred, but we are ready to guide you along the process!
  • QA/testing experience will be preferred, but it’s NOT necessary.

And what’s in it for you?

  • First of all: be a pioneer!
  • Second: no car should come without fuel. So for being a Qube-Pioneer, you will receive 100 QUBs (equal to $50) to enter the Innovation process and start contributing to real-world projects from day one!


  • This is a closed test, meaning that all Qube-Pioneers will be hand-picked amongst the applicants.
  • The Beta-testing will start on the 20th of June, and will progressively increase the number of participants in a 20:30:50 percent ratio!

Excited? What’s next?

It’s simple — just sign up below and we’ll get in touch shortly.

For more updates, feel free to follow us on social media and our blog to stay up to date with everything that is going on at a-Qube.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback you’re always welcome to chat with us on Telegram!

a-Qube Team

