Finding our Footing

Militsa Cuevas
A Quiet Thought
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2021
Photo by Rufus O’Dea on Unsplash

Good morning! I wish you a lovely Sunday. The times being what they are, it is probably a good time to remember how to find our footing and remain mostly in balance. It is fascinating how footing and balance can mean such various things for each of us. And how each one of us finds it differently.

I have learned I deal better with things day by day, and if they get tough, I go step by step. I save energy by worrying (aka imagining all possible catastrophes) much less by just dealing with what I must each step. I find that going about this way exercises my faith because I am walking in faith. I don’t know what is happening, but I trust I will do my best; and since I don’t have pre-ordained expectations (10 possible problems and plans to attack each), I can move or change course more smoothly if required. This has helped me have a more stable footing therefore I feel more in balance, even with changes abounding. One, because I am not exhausting myself with possible scenarios that drain my mental, nervous and physical energy; and two, I am trusting myself more every day. Little by little, this helps build up my resilience.

Another thing that helps me is to have a quiet time. This can be sitting outside and looking at the clouds move. Listening to birds sing as I would an orchestra at a symphony. Having nothing else in my mind except precisely what I am doing (also known as being kind to myself by not driving myself crazy by splitting my mind and energy all over the place). To some, this may be found in baking, praying, drawing, riding a bike, dancing, or running. These are all forms of meditating, of being present in the now, of being of one mind. These are ways of gathering ourselves and holding ourselves dear and in one peace.

So, for this week, I invite you to walk just one step at a time and hold yourself dearly in that beautiful quiet within as many times as possible.

For you, all my love, and wishing all of us peace and good health.


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Militsa Cuevas
A Quiet Thought

Writer. As VP of Operations for 16yrs I am author of countless dutifully ignored or controversial memos. MA in HR Management & Faith.