Surviving Abundance

Militsa Cuevas
A Quiet Thought
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2021


I had it all wrong — improving my attitude.

Girl on a country road reading a map
Photo by Daniel Gonzalez on Unsplash

After a period of much subtraction, it is a natural response to want to add to your life. The pandemic has been, for the most part, a subtracting to the bone experience. On the other hand, there are things we have been pleasantly surprised to see gone. And we have had an opportunity to count our blessings.

This past week I felt an emotional weight fall upon me and just as fast a rebellious rejection to it. I am tired of subtracting in my life! You know that feeling in your bones that you are so done with something? Where you have no other feeling about it except that you are done with it. No matter what comes after or as a consequence of finishing this- you are done with it.

I have had these done moments before, and let me tell you; I don’t even get mad anymore. Now I know that when my being (through my bones) declares whatever it is, as over — I will quickly be passing on the page to a new chapter. Freedom is experienced. I will feel enthusiasm for all the possibilities, even if I have no idea what they may be. And something new will happen and then another and another. I make decisions and move accordingly. Before I know it, I am in a new place, with new people, new opportunities, even if I am in the exact perimeter as when I started. When I was younger, it felt overwhelming, but now, I have experience of how it…



Militsa Cuevas
A Quiet Thought

Writer. As VP of Operations for 16yrs I am author of countless dutifully ignored or controversial memos. MA in HR Management & Faith.