Must know Winter Hair Care Routine

Healthy and shiny hair always creates a good impression . It is especially true for Women to notice hair first while meeting the person for first time. It is said that condition of ones hair can mirror the overall health of body. So hair care is as important as our body specially in winter. So it becomes prone to fall during this season.

Oil massaging:

Oiling hair 2 or 3 times a in week to keep hair moisturized so that it could avoid hair split ends , hair fall etc.

Warm up mix of olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil and gently massage your hair with this mixture so it it could penetrate to each hair follicle of scalp .It keeps you calm and make nourishes your hair. It also improves blood circulation over scalp.

Controlling frizzy hair:

Due to the low moisture , wearing hat in winter ,hair becomes rough and frizzy and goes out of control.

It is need to gently comb you hair with wide brush to avoid hair fall . Don’t use warm water while washing as it makes it rough .Hence use lukewarm water while showering.

Precaution while drying:

Don’t use dryer directly on wet hair. First wrap up with towel and squeeze excess water from hair .After that , use blow dry on cool setting. Do nut be hurry to dry fast by using hot settings. If its so, then keep dryer with a distance and then dry. For best result try to avoid hot setting.

Conditioning your hair:

You need to use mild shampoo during winter with conditioner. Use shampooing 2 times a week . .

Before washing your hair ,you need to apply oil massage at least 1 hour before, so that it would maintain moisture balance which is more important in winter care.

Removing dandruff:

Because of dry weather our hair becomes frizzy and full of dandruff during winter. All we need to use shampoo with ingredient zinc and without paraben .

Lemon juice is very effective to remove dandruff. Warm up coconut and almond oil and mix with lemon juice and apply over hair , keep for 30 minutes, then rinse well with a mild shampoo.


Honey works well to moisturize our hair during dry weather. After washing hair, apply honey and wrap up with a towel or a cover and keep for 30 minutes and then rinse well with lukewarm water .It would remove tangles and makes hair soft and shine.

Consuming vitamins:

You need to eat a lot of fruits like orange ,apple, strawberries ,pomegranate etc. which is good source of vitamins and nourishes hair internally within our body.

1. Kiwi prevents early greying of hair

2. Banana strengthens hair.

3. Apple Volumizes hair.

4. Strawberries prevents hair loss

5. Papaya reduces hair thinning

6. blueberries stimulates hair growth

7. Plum keeps scalp healthy

Daily taking ambla or ambla juice is very good for hair.

Also need to drink minimum 2 to 3 liters of water daily.


In winter ,we need to consume as much as green vegetables .

1.Spinach having rich in vitamin ,zinc ,iron etc. and promotes hair growth

2.Sweet potato has beta -carotene properties and rich in Vitamin A. It helps to keep hair healthy

3.Beans are good source of zinc and essential for hair growth and repair cycle.

4. Carrot is packed with vitamin E, which can help to promote nourished, supple and strong hair.

Protein :

Egg , fish ,yogurt are good source of protein and calcium and stimulates hair growth.

Yogurt: Rich in calcium and protein. Hence , it is essential for hair growth

People suffering from itchy scalp and dandruff , use yogurt to your scalp and massage it .after leaving for ten minutes then wash your hair.

Fish: Fishes are packet with omega — 3 fatty acid and protein which is very healthy and keep your scalp in good condition.

It is also packed with iron which can alleviate hair loss. Try adding oily fish like salmon, trout to your regular diet. Shellfish are also rich in minerals, as well as source of vitamin B12. This nutrient is important for healthy hair growth.


It is great source of protein .Hence eggs are essential for hair growth, as well as being excellent source of biotin. These are known for great source of vitamin B12 which is very essential ingredient for healthy hair as we know lack of B12 can lead to pernicious anemia and hair loss.

You can apply eggs externally as it is famous for protein-rich treatment. Apply egg to hair and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.


These are rich in protein, zinc and high calorie content, and works great for stimulating strong and slinky hair. Good nuts needs to add to your diet which includes walnuts, Brazil nuts, Almonds etc.

1.Walnuts : It having omega-3 fatty acids and biotin. It helps to hair growth.

2.Brazil nuts: It contains selenium which help prevent hair loss.

3.Almond: Consuming almond is very good to stimulate hair.

