Russel and Bill were right.

Ok trigger warning! This is going to piss just about everybody I know off. But it’s my truth as I see it and that’s all I got to give the world. I’m not here to convince anyone to change your views or accept my own. Live and let live as far as I’m concerned. But here’s how I see it in case anyone is interested.

Russel was right Bill! You were too on a couple points.
The Democrats used “Superdelegates” each one of them establishment insiders whose votes cancelled 10,000 of ours! Hundreds of them announced they’d vote for Hillary Clinton before the primary even started and the corporate media consistently reported this saying Bernie was a longshot before the primary even started!

That’s how the system gets rigged Bill. Power NEVER gives its power away in a fair fight, ever. People in power always seek to control it thinking they’re good, have good intentions and know best how to use power so the little people should let them rule us. Which of course is total bullshit!

Would Hillary have been better than Trump? Hell yeah. Millions of Americans would have been better at being President than this racist sociopath total conman spoiled rich kid who never freaking grew up!

And yes Hillary would not have pulled out of the Paris Accords or ended DACA nor would she appoint a Supreme Court Justice who opposes a woman’s right to choose her reproductive freedom. So yeah it’s insane to say she’d be the same as Trump. She’d be in the pocket of Wall Street, the big banks, fossil fuel, big pharma and factory farmers and continue President Obama’s illegal immoral drone wars dropping bombs on civilians in a war Congress never declared in 7 countries. Something that also has created more jihadies than it ever took off the war map. Hell we learned this 50 years ago in Vietnam. You can’t bomb your way to peace and security. But she’d be better than Trump.

Trump was right about a couple things. But that’s how tyrants get power, they wrap a bunch of lies around a few crumbs of the truth.

The system IS rigged and he himself said he knows this best because he got richer off bribing both sides for decades which just means hes another crooked self-entitled plutocrat exploiting the working class, and buying our government with money he saved by cheating on taxes.

And yes we have to drain the swamp. Except Donald Trump and his entire Goldman Sachs infested cabinet IS the effing swamp!

Power used for too long by too few always corrupts the souls of men & women. Evil people never see themselves as evil.

Get rid of superdelegates, open the debates up to third parties, open primaries, have automatic & same day voter registration. Run the most progressive kind compassionate authentic people especially women and people of color in every race ESPECIALLY primaries which where our power is!

Tax all political TV ads and give 100% of the revenues to fund public campaign financing of grassroots candidates!

And free your mind and your ass will follow! Stop scrolling timelines of endless fear, hate and division for hours on end. Unplug from corporate violence and fear that feeds us anxiety and self-loathing all day so we’ll by their crap to try to fill the whole where our soul should be.

We are all worthy of being loved and respected and living a dignified life free of oppression and bullying by bosses or anyone! You don’t need whiter teeth, a flatter belly or more followers to be happy and worthy of love brothers and sisters. You are FREE to think for yourself! Think for yourself and act for everybody!

I recognize only one duty, and that is to love. — Albert Camus





Joseph Segal
A Revolutionary View Of A Loving Moral Economy

Advocate for a Fair Democracy. Building online tools for people working together for Fairness and intelligent Shared Prosperity.