Austerity for the wealthy and powerful!

Prosperity for the 99%!

By austerity I mean they don’t have to have it ALL.

Time to tell them to stop being greedy!

Veterans and single moms are living on our streets, which are crumbling all over by the way.

One in five experience food insecurity at some time.

People can’t afford college.

People can’t pay off college debt.

People work several jobs to survive paycheck to paycheck.

People die every year from no health insurance.

Stress from being working poor is killing Americans from cancer, stroke, and heart disease.

Wages don’t rise anymore. Not in anyway that is meaningful or felt by worker!

People can’t afford the medicines we need to survive! People are dying!

Schools are overcrowded and going without materials.

So no more corporate welfare, loopholes and tax breaks!

Get your armies of corporate corrupting lobbyists OUT of our government!

Stop buying OUR elected representatives to make more money for YOU!

You don’t need to make all the money there is or all the money our labor in large part creates for your companies! Not just for your CEOs or your big shareholders! You must pay a rising dignified living wage to ALL workers now!

Invest in the people so we have a decent quality of life where we don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck fearing bills, unable to better ourselves in college.

One job must pay enough so we have time to live our lives!

With our families, our loved ones, and making our dreams come true!

TIME TO STAND TOGETHER “As working people fighting for dignity!”~Bernie Sanders

Stand together for love and compassion!


Join the Revolution for Prosperity for all at

#BernieInBrooklyn #BernieSanders2020



Joseph Segal
A Revolutionary View Of A Loving Moral Economy

Advocate for a Fair Democracy. Building online tools for people working together for Fairness and intelligent Shared Prosperity.