Maybe Our Storm Is Over

A Rose for Lana
A Rose For Lana
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2020

By Shana Kirkland

It’s as though you held my lungs in your hands

Squeezing life into me.

You made my heart beat with each kiss.

You made my soul feel at rest.

My eyes could flawlessly see

With perfect vision when

Our future stood in front of me.

I could hear the sounds of the universe

So clearly when you spoke.

I could touch atoms in the air

And feel them on your fingertips.

I want to live in a forest

Where we carve our names on every tree

And as we walk around

the trees will guide us and remind us

That we will always be here together.

Some days we won’t be madly in love.

Some days we won’t even like each other.

But for the days that love shows up

Those are the days I will always live for.

Our love was fire, bright, warming.

It danced in a dark room.

It flickered from time to time

But always fought its way back.

It was dangerous, too hot, criminal

Arson at times

But it was definitely fire.

Red, yellow, orange, blue

It got out of control, wild.

Destroyed lives,

Destroyed trust,

Destroyed us.

Fire requires fuel and oxygen

And we gave it both.

Heat can scorch you when there’s too much.

We built a house and burned it down.

We built a life, and held hands as we torched it

But we keep rebuilding

And we keep matches around

Just in case we get too happy.

Then we count to three

We strike them at the same time

And throw them at each other‘s feet.

We burn bridges, then desperately

Build rafts with the leftover wood

to make our way back to each other.

I construct oars from all that is broken

And thrown away

Just to get back to you.

Now there are no bridges left and we float aimlessly on an ocean of doubt.

Sink to the bottom with me

Where we will be haunted by other shipwrecked lovers.

You’ve given me a smile that runs through my veins

One that can only come from the heart.

We’ve been the fairytale,

The happily ever after story that people wish for.

We’ve been the urban legend,

The cautionary tale of what not to become

Going blindly into the dark.

Every sound at night reminds me we are alive.

The midnight air touching my skin like your breath on the back of my neck invigorates me.

Trying to walk on clouds, I fall into them and they surround me clouding my vision as I search for the

way things used to be.

The center of my world, I orbit around your light.

I not only think you hung the moon,

I think you arranged the stars.

And although we’ve painted over van Gogh’s masterpiece, we’ve created our own world,

A world where I will stop time to fix things

That everyone else has given up on

Because I believe in love that much.

Things can always get better

Exhaustion can easily become rest.

When it is calm, that may mean there is a storm coming but just remember

When the storm is over, there’s a calm too.

Maybe our storm is over

