Why Is 18 the Age of Adulthood?

The Science Behind Legal Maturity

Quantum Vault


Photo by Tima-Miroshnichenko, Pexels

Have you ever wondered why 18 is considered the age of majority in many societies globally? Beyond being a mere number, this age holds profound significance in legal systems, shaping rights, responsibilities, and societal expectations.

But what lies beneath this seemingly arbitrary threshold? Delving into the depths of neuroscientific research, we uncover a fascinating journey through brain development, moral judgment, and the complexities of legal adulthood.

Join us as we explore the intersection of neural development, moral reasoning, and legal accountability to unravel the mysteries behind the age of majority.

Neural Development and Moral Judgment

Photo by Anna-Shvets, Pexels

Recent neuroscientific investigations have shed light on the development of moral judgment and how the brain’s mentalizing processes are involved in moral decision-making. Advanced neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI have been used to explore the neural substrates associated with moral decision-making across different age groups.



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