Are you going to “Turn Up” in 2018?

A Safe Place is Organizing a “Day Party” That You Don’t Want to Miss

SJ Johnson
A Safe Place
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018


A Safe Place is always working in the community to prevent family violence before it happens. One of the ways we help is working with teens to spread the word about healthy relationships. Our February event for “Turn Up 2018” are led by Davinia Williams, Teen/Outreach Coordinator at ASP. We asked her to tell us all about it!

Why call it “Turn Up”?

“Turned Up is a term that’s used right now to party, to dance and to have fun. It’s something to get excited about. So we’re “turning it up” for healthy relationships. We want it to be a party so we have healthy music that’s still hip hop, still with the youth.”

What’s Happening?

“We have a DJ, food planned, skits planned, entertainment and a keynote speaker talking about how domestic violence has impacted their lives. It’s more of a party but with visual and information on relationships. We’re also partnering with other non-profits and local agencies, including Alameda County Independent Living Program, BOSS, and Adamika Village’s “Stop Killing Our Kids” campaign. Also, the Youth Employment Partnership are participating to show there are jobs available and training available for the kids along with Youth Uprising, with other organizations like Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR) warning about sex trafficking.”

When is “Turn Up”?

“There will be a party in East Oakland at Youth Uprising on MacArthur Blvd, from 4pm-7pm.”

Who is Coming?

“We’re doing a high school tour with Alameda County Studies, youth either in foster care or group homes. They’re going to do a skit, hand out flyers and invite kids to our party. Here are some of the schools that are participating: Ralph Bunche High School, Fremont High School and McClymonds High School

Thanks Davinia and stayed tuned for more news about “Turn Up!”

A Safe Place has a mission to support victims of family violence and educate the Oakland community story to the issue of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence. We want to hear from you! Talk to us on Twitter — @ A Safe Place4U

