Welcome to ‘A Scientist Made Simple’!

Mike Kaiser
A scientist made simple
4 min readJun 12, 2019


If you are curious about the life and thinking of a scientist, you have arrived at the right site. I demystify the scientist.

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Demystify the scientist? What is that about? A large number of people with whom I have spoken with over the years have misguided perceptions of scientists. Stop for a minute and close your eyes and picture a scientist. Is the image in your mind similar to that shown below?


Or do you picture the image below?

Photo by Amplitude Magazin on Unsplash

Most people with whom I speak to have an image of a person inside of a laboratory working quietly and alone — focusing on her/his project with intense focus. Which can translate to the following description: a loner, dangerous, introverted, and standoffish.

The last description is the furthest from the truth. Yes, there are a few scientists who fit the image. Although, most scientists that I know are the exact opposite. They are outgoing and enthusiastic about science. Science is the foundation of their life. Meaning, scientists are extremely…

